A status line plugin for Hyper that shows the currently configured Google Cloud Platform project, the Compute Engine default zone, and the Kubernetes context and namespace. It will also show the current general GCP status information as fetched from https://status.cloud.google.com/.
Should work with most themes, and allow custom paths to gcloud
and kubectl
which are used to retrieve information.
Credits go out to Henrik Dahl and his work on hyper-statusline. Check it out if you want a status line that shows Git information.
Add the following to your ~/.hyper.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ['hyper-gcp-status-line']
Optionally configure the below settings in ~/.hyper.js
Unless specified, hyper-gcp-status-line
assumes binaries are installed on the global PATH
module.exports = {
config: {
hyperGcpStatusLine: {
gcloudBinary: '/my/path/gcloud',
kubectlBinary: '/my/path/kubectl'
Unless specified, hyper-gcp-status-line
will retrieve GCP status information from https://status.cloud.google.com/ every 10 minutes (600000 ms). Decrease at your own risk.
module.exports = {
config: {
hyperGcpStatusLine: {
timeBetweenGcpStatusChecks: 600000
Unless specified, hyper-gcp-status-line
will not enable WSL compatability. The command wsl
is used by default, it can be changed using the wslBinary
config option.
module.exports = {
config: {
hyperGcpStatusLine: {
enableWSL: true
wslBinary: 'wsl.exe'