TESTticle is a minimalist test framework I developed for testing features on my toy game engine SMOL. It was initialy called SMOL_TEST but TESTicle sounds undeniably more professional.
Test frameworks are usually feature rich but also bloated and unnecessarily complex, so I decided to create something tiny especially for my needs.
Basically you compile your tests along with the test framework itself. It's composed by a .h file and a .cpp file.
Tests are just blocks of code declared within the SMOL_TEST()
// your test code goes here
The following macros are available for specifying tests:
Ends the test and mark it as PASS
Ends the test and mark it as FAIL
Passes if float expressions A and B are equal. Fails otherwise.
Passes if float expressions A and B are NOT equal. Fails otherwise.
Passes if integer expression A is greater than B. Fails otherwise.
Passes if integer expression A is less than B. Fails otherwise.
Passes if expression expr is true. Fails otherwise.
Passes if expression expr is false. Fails otherwise.
Will delay the test execution for the n milliseconds.
This CMake macro is used to create test suites, or standalone executables that may contain multiple unit tests.
function(SMOL_TEST_ADD_EXECUTABLE target sourceList)
list(APPEND sourceList smol_test.cpp smol_test.h)
add_executable(${target} ${sourceList})
set_property(TARGET ${target} PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)
# Include necesary include paths as needed.
target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_PATH}")
# Include necessary libs as needed
#target_link_libraries(${target} PRIVATE smol ${OPENGL_LIBRARY})
# Make it a CTest target
add_test(NAME ${target}_tests COMMAND ${target})
#Comment the next line to avoid running this test automatically
add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND} ${target})
To add test suits just call the macro passing the name of the test and it's source files. For example:
SMOL_TEST_ADD_EXECUTABLE(float_tests sample/float_tests.cpp)
SMOL_TEST_ADD_EXECUTABLE(slow_tests sample/slow_tests.cpp)
SMOL_TEST_ADD_EXECUTABLE(general_tests sample/general_tests.cpp)
It's possible to run the test suites directly or via Cmake with the --target test or even invoking CTest directly in the build directory.
Test suites tests will exit the process with exit value 0 if the all test fails or the number of failed tests otherwise.