Docker-MISP provides base files (Dockerfile, ...) for creating and running MISP instances with simple Docker images.
Main features:
- Ready to download, deploy and use
- YAML file for 'docker-compose up', to easily deploy a MISP instance as a Docker container stack (with separate misp-modules, MySQL, Redis and Mail server containers)
- YAML file for 'docker-compose build', to help building the core MISP and the MISP Modules Docker images from scratch
- Built-in persistent volumes configuration
The main Dockerfile is already integrated to Docker Hub, so you can download images directly from there, simply using marcelosz/misp:core-latest and marcelosz/misp:modules-latest for example.
Clone the repository and get into its folder
$ git clone
$ cd Docker-MISP
Copy template.env to .env and edit the environment variables as needed (related to the MISP users, passwords, SMTP settings, base URL and other settings)
$ cp template.env .env
$ vi .env
Deploy the Docker stack using docker-compose (pure Apache HTTP Server option)
$ docker-compose up
or (for a nginx reverse proxy with ModSecurity and Certbot)
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-nginx.yml up
For instructions on how to setup MISP after installation, check
Clone the repository and get into its folder
$ git clone
$ cd Docker-MISP
Copy template.env to .env and edit the tags (PHP_VER, MISP_TAG, MODULES_TAG) as needed (see comment below)
$ cp template.env .env
$ vi .env
Build the core Docker image
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yml build
Important: Although a MISP_TAG variable exists, Docker-MISP does not currently uses a specific MISP version. The latest version available in the Github repository is used during image build time. On the other hand, misp-modules version is indeed enforced (based on MODULES_TAG variable). Docker Hub builds are based on this logic. See CHANGELOG to check the software versions used in the Docker Hub build release.
- Port 80 is not exposed by default anymore
- Added docker-compose-nginx.yml as an option to spin up a stack with nginx (plus ModSecurity and Certbot)
- Minor issues fixed
- MISP version updated to v2.4.132
- Minor Docker automated build issues fixed
- First production-ready release!
- Current software versions: MISP v2.4.124 and misp-modules v2.4.121
Please check repository Issues for the current TODO list.
Docker-MISP is based on previous work by Xavier Mertens (@xme) and Jason Kendall (@collacid).