ks is short for Kill Server which means if you use it without enough care, you may kill your server.
git clone https://github.com/maptile/ks.git ~/.ks
Append the following scripts to ~/.profile, it let you run shell commands from ks dir.
if [ -d "$HOME/.ks/" ] ; then
Logout and login again, so the system can use the new .profile file.
ks u
which is equal to:
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo snap refresh
ks pi
It will read all images names and tags from system, and then pull the latest images with the same version.
If you have an image postgres:12
the script will pull the latest postgres:12
If you have an image postgres:latest
the script will pull the latest postgres:latest
After that, it will run docker system prune && docker container prune && docker image prune
to save disk space.
git pullrecursive
It will visit all immediate child directories and run git pull
in it.
git statusrecursive
It will visit all immediate child directories and run git status
in it.