Nest framework TypeScript template repository.
- Bcrypt password hashing.
- Class-transformer to handle with data transformation.
- Class-validator data validation.
- Cross-env environment variable.
- Docker-compose to run containerized api.
- Dotenv environment variable.
- Editor-config general editors settings.
- Eslint code lint.
- Express-basic-auth basic auth to swagger documentation.
- Husky settings (pre-commit and commit-msg scripts).
- Jest framework to testing.
- Lint-staged to run script in commit time.
- Passport to handle with authentication and authorization.
- Passport-jwt to help on implement jwt encoding.
- Pg to handle with postgreSQL database.
- Prettier to ensure style and syntax code.
- Swagger to build API documentation.
- Typeorm ORM to help on database handling.
- Vscode settings.
yarn install
yarn run start
Watch mode
yarn run start:dev
Production mode
yarn run start:prod
Unit tests
yarn run test
e2e tests
yarn run test:e2e
Test coverage
yarn run test:cov
Migration create
yarn migration:create ./src/database/migrations/fileName
Migration generate
yarn migration:generate ./src/database/migrations/fileName
Migration up
yarn migration:up
Migration down
yarn migration:down
All credits is to NestJs team that maintain it as an MIT-licensed open source project.
It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
sample-template-nestjs is MIT licensed.