To start the environment using makefile:
make run
And visit:
Run migrations manually:
make run-migrations
To run celery worker and beat:
docker exec -it marketplace-container pipenv run celery -A app.celery_worker.celery beat --loglevel=DEBUG
docker exec -it marketplace-container pipenv run celery -A app.celery_worker.celery worker -Q celery --loglevel=DEBUG
To publish outbox events to rabbitmq:
make run-publish-events
To consume events from rabbitmq:
make run-consume-events
To get events from provider run the next command:
make run-events-provider
To run the tests, use make run-tests but first make sure the container is started:
make run-tests
Access to Grafana and Prometheus:
grafana: http://localhost:3000/
user: admin
password: pass@123
prometheus: http://localhost:9999/