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You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 7
TomFullalove edited this page May 4, 2018
17 revisions
The HTML5 player supports various settings that can be specified when the player initializes. You can customize any of the settings by passing them into manywho.settings.initialize({})
in a custom player. Below is a list of all the supported settings and their default values.
charts: {
// Default background colors
backgroundColors: ['#42a5f5', '#66bb6a', '#ef5350', '#ab47bc', '#ffa726', '#78909c', '#5c6bc0'],
// Default border colors
borderColors: ['#42a5f5', '#66bb6a', '#ef5350', '#ab47bc', '#ffa726', '#78909c', '#5c6bc0'],
// Global default options for every chart type
options: {},
polarArea: {
// Override the default background colors for the Polar chart type to be semi-transparent
backgroundColors: ['rgba(66, 165, 245, 0.4)', 'rgba(102, 187, 106, 0.4)', 'rgba(239, 83, 80, 0.4)', 'rgba(171, 71, 188, 0.4)', 'rgba(255, 167, 38, 0.4)', 'rgba(120, 144, 156, 0.4)', 'rgba(92, 107, 192, 0.4)']
// Allow containers with labels to toggle collapsed / expanded
collapsible: false,
// More complex setup for collapsible containers
collapsible: {
// Default settings apply to every container
default: {
enabled: false,
// Initially display the container collapsed
collapsed: false,
// Name of the group the container belongs too, containers in the same group share collapse / expanded state
group: null
// Override the default settings for each container type by adding a new object named after the container type
vertical_flow: {
enabled: false,
collapsed: true,
group: null
collaboration: {
// Uri of the realtime collaboration server
uri: ''
// CSS selector that will find the container to render the UI in
containerSelector: '#manywho',
// General error message displayed if the Engine throws a general error (like timeout)
errorMessage: 'An unknown error has occurred, please contact support',
files: {
downloadUriPropertyId: '6611067a-7c86-4696-8845-3cdc79c73289',
downloadUriPropertyName: 'Download Uri'
formatting: {
// Enable / disable client side formatting of numbers & datetimes
isEnabled: false
// Display the history of the flow execution
history: false,
i18n: {
// If enabled datetimes will be displayed in the timezone of the running user
overrideTimezoneOffset: false,
// Number between -14 & +14 to specify the timezone that datetimes should be displayed in (overrideTimezoneOffset must be enabled)
timezoneOffset: null,
// Culture that will be used when formatting numbers to be displayed. Clientside formatting will need to be enabled. Support cultures can be found here:
culture: null
// If set to true will scroll to the top of the page/step as you move through the flow
isScrollResetEnabled: true,
// Add the full-width class to the top level main container
isFullWidth: false,
// Messages displayed beneath the loading spinner
localization: {
initializing: '',
executing: '',
loading: '',
navigating: '',
syncing: '',
joining: 'Joining',
sending: 'Sending',
returnToParent: 'Return To Parent',
status: null,
validation: {
required: 'This field is required',
invalid: 'This valid is invalid',
notification: 'Page contains invalid values'
searchFirst: 'Perform a search to display results here'
location: {
// Enable / disable location tracking
isTrackingEnabled: false
navigation: {
// Pin the navigation bar to the top of the window to maintain visibility
isFixed: true,
// Render the navigation bar as a wizard
isWizard: false
outcomes: {
// Change how outcomes are rendered: icon, iconandtext, iconnobackground
display: null,
// Fix outcomes to the bottom of screen
isFixed: false,
// Number of items to be fetched at a time via an objectdata request
paging: {
table: 10,
files: 10,
select: 250,
tiles: 20
platform: {
// Uri of the ManyWho platform
uri: ''
// Tinymce settings
richText: {
url: '',
fontSize: '14px',
plugins: [
"advlist autolink link lists link image charmap print hr anchor spellchecker",
"searchreplace visualblocks fullscreen wordcount code insertdatetime",
"media table directionality emoticons contextmenu paste textcolor"
toolbar: 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link mwimage'
shortcuts: {
// Execute the first outcome on the page when the Enter key is pressed
progressOnEnter: true
// Perform a manywho.engine.sync on window.beforeunload
syncOnUnload: true,
toggle: {
// Add a border radius to toggle buttons
shape: "round",
// Set the default background color: null, "success", "info", "warning", "danger"
background: null
validation: {
// Enable / disable client side validation
isEnabled: false,
// Scroll to the first element matching the selector when a validation error is found
scroll: {
isEnabled: false,
selector: '.has-error'
// Display a notification when a validation error is found
notification: {
isEnabled: false
// Perform client side validation when executing an outcome. To validate on page conditions change to ['move', 'sync']. Valid values include: initialize, move, sync, join
when: ['move']