Simple compose file that prepares a vault server that can be use to auto-unseal other vaults
Just clone the repo, cd into the folder and run:
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
# Wait a few seconds
docker compose logs -f initializer
Now depending on the use case you need to grab the cert and token shown in the output and use them accordingly. Some examples
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_CACERT=/tmp/vault/certs/cert.pem
export VAULT_TOKEN=s.b4b90sp0PNd4rssXvbFFK08j #This was taken from the output of the initializer
vault write transit/encrypt/defaultautounseal plaintext=$(base64 <<< "my secret data")
Add the below seal section to your vault config:
seal "transit" {
address = ""
disable_renewal = "false"
key_name = "defaultautounseal"
mount_path = "transit/"
tls_ca_cert = "/tmp/vault/certs/cert.pem"
tls_skip_verify = "false"
This is what happens behind the scenes:
- Spin up a container
with vault- Creates self signed cert and enables TLS
- Exposes
port - mounts
folder from host to store certs
- Spin a container called
that will initialize and prepare vault to be used by other vault servers to auto-unseal.- Initializes vault with just 1 key share
- Token and Unseal Key are saved to:
respectively - Enables transit engine (default mount path
) - Creates transit key:
- Creates a policy that can only encrypt and decrypt data using the ge key above
- Creates a token with the policy
- Prints the content of the Cert to stdout (you can check it with
docker logs initializer
) - Prints the token to stdout (you can check it with
docker logs initializer
) - saves the generated tokens into file
inside the container
The VAULT_ADDR can be:
- From the host:
- From another container on the same network:
Then, the cert and token can be retrieved with any of these options:
Option 1: Self signed cert can be found under
on the host or from the output of the container namedinitializer
Option 2: Self signed cert and token can be found by looking at the output of the initializer container
docker logs initializer