enslisting.com smart contacts
Review the smart contracts that are backing enslisting.com
There are two main services:
- ListingService - Handles listing, bids, bid accept/decline workflow
- EscrowService - Handles escrow payments (optionally matching to a bid), domain transfer and payment transfer. Also support payment reject, offer expiry workflows, and a safety hatch to withdraw the unclaimed funds 30 days after offer expiry.
To submit a listing, do the following:
var enslisting = require('enslisting');
var Web3 = require('web3');
var TIP_AMT = 0.005; //ethers
//Initialize web3
var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));
//Select the correct account that owns the domains, else, the submission will fail and you will lose your txn fee.
var DOMAIN_OWNER_ACCOUNT = web3.eth.accounts[7];
//remember to unlock the account first in geth using
console.log("Owner Account:" + DOMAIN_OWNER_ACCOUNT);
console.log("all Accounts:" + web3.eth.accounts);
console.log("Ens Categories: " + JSON.stringify(enslisting.ensCategories()));
//Get reference to enslisting contract
var listingContract = enslisting.enslistingContract(web3);
//first submit metadata to enslisting.com website
enslisting.submitCategoriesAndKeywords("privatebit", "2,4", "private bit")
.then(function (response) {
console.log(response); //response should be "successful"
}).then(function () {
//Submit listing transaction to mainnet
console.log("submitting transaction to mainnet");
return listingContract.addListing(
'privatebit', //Domain name you are listing, without .eth
'[email protected]', //email address, optional, give '' if you want to be anonymous @gmail.com can be omitteds
web3.toWei(1.1, "ether").valueOf(), //list price, in ethers
{ from: DOMAIN_OWNER_ACCOUNT, value: web3.toWei(TIP_AMT, "ether"), gas: 600000 }); //tip amount in ethers
}).then(function (listingTxnHash) {
console.log(`Listing transaction hash: ${listingTxnHash}`);
console.log("Verify status of this one trasnaction by visiting");
console.log("Or review all recent listings by visiting");
To review the escrow logic, run tests against your local node:
truffle test
Sample output:
PS C:\enslistingapi\enslisting> truffle test
Using network 'development'.
skipping account unlocks for network 1498439420351
ENS Registrar loaded from: 0x94dfeceb91678ec912ef8f14c72721c102ed2df7
Registry loaded from: 0x25d02115bd67258a406a0f676147e6c3598a91a9
Listing DB loaded from: 0x9ce4cd6d7f5e8b14c7a3e8e6a257a86bd5a6eea0
EscrowService loaded from: 0xdc78afe9cfde0576ff236667dc8c380615c24ca9
ListingService loaded from: 0xb349fb172d6d5f693b0aa1c6eec4c61cfd6846f4
e = escrow creation
e(b) = escrow creation against a bidd
te = transfer domain to enslisting
tb = transfer domain to buyer
ts = transfer domain back to seller
d = seller draw funds
r = seller rejecting an escrow payment
w = buyer withdraw funds
<exp> = escrow offer expires (after 7 days)
<scv> = escrow payment scavenged
Contract: EscrowService Happy Path
v should be able to e, te, tb, d (731ms)
v should be able to te, e, tb, d (634ms)
v should be able to e, e, te, tb, d (807ms)
v should be able to e(b), te, tb, d (910ms)
v should be able to e, r, w (551ms)
v should be able to e, te, to (685ms)
v should be able to e, <exp>, w (4393ms)
v should be able to e, <exp>,<scv>, s (3350ms)
Contract: EscrowService Banned Flows
v dont allow e,w (186ms)
v dont allow e, d (187ms)
v dont allow e, te, d (302ms)
v dont allow e, tb (170ms)
v dont allow e, r, tb (417ms)
v dont allow e, r, te, tb (524ms)
v dont allow e, <exp>, tb (3233ms)
v dont allow e, te, <exp>, tb (3386ms)
v dont allow e, <exp>, te, tb (3293ms)
v dont allow e, <exp>, w, w (4456ms)
v dont allow e, r, w, w (559ms)
v dont allow e(b), te, tb, d, d (948ms)
v dont allow e(b), te, tb, d, <exp>, w (3984ms)
v dont allow e, <exp>, <scv>, s, w (3320ms)
v dont allow e, <exp>, <scv>, s, te, tb (3458ms)
v dont allow e(b), te, tb, to (1005ms)
v dont allow e(b), te, tb, d, to (1001ms)
v dont allow e(b), te, to, tb (774ms)
v dont allow e, e, te, tb, tb (568ms)
v dont allow e, e, te, tb, d, d (762ms)
Contract: EscrowService Status Tracking
v should set status to started when escrow starts (171ms)
v should set status to domainTransferred after transfer (500ms)
v should set status to settled after transfer and draw funds (629ms)
v escrow should stay as-is if seller xfers domain back (376ms)
v should set status to rejected after rejection (322ms)
v should set status to escrowWithdrawn after withdrawl (611ms)
v should be able to scavenge escrow in started status (3441ms)
v should able to scavenge escrow after transfer before draw funds (3585ms)
v should be able to scavenge escrow after rejection (3605ms)
v should not be able to scavenge escrow after settled (3734ms)
v should not be able to scavenge escrow after withdrawl (3582ms)
v should not be able to scavenge escrow in scavenged status (3526ms)
Contract: EscrowService Ownership Tracking
v te => o=e (230ms)
v te, ts => o=s (309ms)
v e => o=s (244ms)
v e, te => o=e (346ms)
v e, te,tb => o=b (549ms)
v e, te,r => o=e (586ms)
v e, te,ts => o=s (422ms)
v e, te,r,ts => o=s (576ms)
v e, te, <exp> => o=e (3374ms)
v e, te, <exp>, ts => o=s (3416ms)
v e, te, <exp>, <scv> => o=e (3559ms)
v e, te, <exp>, <scv>, ts => o=s (3595ms)
Contract: EscrowService few end-to-end Flows
v Should be able to post escrow without any dependencies (159ms)
v Should be able to post escrow for a listed domain (259ms)
v Should be able to post escrow for a domain with accepted bid (518ms)
v Should be able to transfer domain (516ms)
v Should be able to withdraw funds after transfer (921ms)
v Should be not able to withdraw funds without transfer (390ms)
v Should be able to reject an escrow after transferring ownership to ENSListing (519ms)
v Should be able to reject an escrow without transferring ownership (344ms)
v Seller should not be able to writhdraw funds for a rejected escrow (532ms)
v Buyer can withdraw funds after escrow reject (1020ms)
Contract: EscrowService Balances Tracking
v balances, e => $=e (1135ms)
v balances, e, te, tb, d => $=s (1790ms)
v balances, e, r => $=e (1445ms)
v balances, e, r, w => $=b (1647ms)
v balances, e, <exp>, w => $=b (4460ms)
v balances, e(b), te, tb, <exp>, d => $=s (5107ms)
v balances, e1, e2, te, tb1, d => $=s,e2 (3225ms)
v balances, e, <exp>, <scv>, s => $=t (4423ms)
Contract: EscrowService Can Tip
v tip for e (286ms)
v tip for e, te, tb (524ms)
v tip for e, te, tb, d (741ms)
v tip for e, r (511ms)
v tip for e, r, w (621ms)
Contract: EscrowService Abandonment flows
v te, <abd>, ts => o=s (295ms)
v Should not be able to post escrow if contract is abandoned (78ms)
v <abd>, te => o=e (224ms)
v <abd>, te, ts => o=s (311ms)
79 passing (2m)