A PayTM like application that let’s users send money to each other given an initial dummy balance.
- ⭐ Users cane perform authentication using JWT, which include registration, login and logout.
- ⭐ Users can send money to each other.
- ⭐ Users can check their balance.
- ⭐ Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment.
- ⭐ Express: Node.js web application framework.
- ⭐ MongoDB: Document database.
- ⭐ Mongoose: Object modeling tool for MongoDB.
- ⭐ JWT: JSON Web Token.
- ⭐ TailwindCSS: A utility-first CSS framework.
- ⭐ Vite: Build tool for modern frontend development.
- ⭐ React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Visit here to access the application.
NOTE: The application is hosted on Render free tier therefore it may take some time to load.
- Allow users to edit their profile.
- Implement the search users feature.
Make the UI responsive. -
Implement logout feature. -
Add dark/light mode feature.
MIT License