A Web Application made with Flask to classify Respiratory Diseases from Chest X-rays
- Python 3.6
- Google Collab (To re-train or fine tune the model)
- Clone the repository and open DeepClassifyML
- Use
pip install -r requirements.txt
to install all the packages necessary to run the Web App.
- Export the file
to Google Colab if you want to fine tune the model and export your ownmodel.h5
There are currently two ways of running this and obtaining predictions.
- URL Prediction
To use this option run
python3 server.py
and open0.0.0.0:8080
in your browser. This will let you add a chest x-ray image already uploaded to the internet and diagnose the the patients condition.
- Image Upload Prediction
To use this option (which is still very buggy at the momemnt) run
python3 server_new.py
and open0.0.0.0:8080
This will let you upload a chest x-ray image file from your system and diagnose the the patients condition.
- The Dataset used to train the model is ChestXray14 you can find out more about it here
- Transfer Learning was used to make ImageNet predict and give output pased off of the dataset
- The Image Upload method is currenty very buggy, WIP.
Based off this Image Classifer Web Application. Feel free to open up an issue or contribute to the project.