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alt tag


The Font

oh-my-git is shipped with 3 themes. The one showed above is called oppa-lana-style. It's based on the Awesome-Terminal-Fonts by @gabrielelana. The screenshots above use the font Source Code Pro by Adobe patched to include additional glyphs from Powerline and from Awesome-Terminal-Fonts, but you can choose any other of the Awesome-Terminal-Fonts.

You can freely download the fonts from the original repo.

To install one of the fonts, on OS X just double click on the corresponding ttf file and click on Install font. So far, I didn't find a way to make the fallback strategy work on OS X.

On Linux you can either install the patched font or you can apply the Awesome-Terminal-Fonts fallback strategy.

Then, configure your terminal with the desired font, and restart it.


One liner for OS X:

git clone ~/.oh-my-git && echo source ~/.oh-my-git/ >> ~/.profile

One liner for Ubuntu:

git clone ~/.oh-my-git && echo source ~/.oh-my-git/ >> ~/.bashrc

Then restart your Terminal.

Manual installation

Fork the repo and git clone it in your home directory.

Then add

source $HOME/oh-my-git/

to the bash startup file (~/.profile on Mac, ~/.bashrc on Linux)

If you prefer to keep oh-my-git repository in a different directory, just modify the startup file accordingly to the chosen position

source /wherever-you-want/oh-my-git/


With antigen installed, just add

antigen use oh-my-zsh
antigen bundle arialdomartini/oh-my-git
antigen theme arialdomartini/oh-my-git-themes oppa-lana-style

to your .zshrc file.

oh-my-git-themes still includes the old 2 themes arialdo-granzestyle (which is inspired to the great Granze theme) by @granze, and arialdo-pathinline. If you want to use them, edit accordingly your .zshrc file.

How to install antigen

antigen is a plugin manager for zsh. Installing antigen is straightforward:

cd ~ && git clone .antigen 

Then, edit your .zshrc file including

source "$HOME/.antigen/antigen.zsh"

antigen use oh-my-zsh
antigen bundle arialdomartini/oh-my-git
antigen theme arialdomartini/oh-my-git-themes oppa-lana-style

antigen apply

When you restart zsh, antigen will download and install all that's needed.

Customizing symbols

You can easily change any symbols used by the prompt. Take a look to the file (or to oppa-lana-style.zsh-theme if you use zsh). You will find a bunch of variables, each of them with its default value. The variables names should be auto-explanatory. Something like

: ${omg_is_a_git_repo_symbol:='❤'}
: ${omg_has_untracked_files_symbol:='∿'}
: ${omg_has_adds_symbol:='+'}
: ${omg_has_deletions_symbol:='-'}
: ${omg_has_cached_deletions_symbol:='✖'}
: ${omg_has_modifications_symbol:='✎'}
: ${omg_has_cached_modifications_symbol:='☲'}
: ${omg_ready_to_commit_symbol:='→'}
: ${omg_is_on_a_tag_symbol:='⌫'}

You can override any of those variables in your shell startup file.

For example, just add a


to your .bashrc file, and oh-my-git will use # when you are on a tag.

Customizing prompt

You can easily add a prefix to the oh-my-git prompt, use the environment variable PS1_PREFIX

PS1_PREFIX=\n # add a new line before the next prompt

Disabling oh-my-git

oh-my-git can be disabled on a per-repository basis. Just add a

enabled = false

in the .git/config file of a repo to revert to the original prompt for that particular repo. This could be handy when working with very huge repository, when the git commands invoked by oh-my-git can slow down the prompt.



  • Remove the line source ~/.oh-my-git/ from the terminal boot script (.profile or .bash_rc)
  • Delete the oh-my-git repo with a rm -fr ~/.oh-my-git


Remove the lines

antigen use oh-my-zsh
antigen bundle arialdomartini/oh-my-git
antigen theme arialdomartini/oh-my-git-themes oppa-lana-style

from your .zshrc file


Help, I installed oh-my-git but this is what I see:

alt tag

A: It's likely that you forgot to install the font.

I don't want to install a new font!

A: "No prob. You may select another theme, or you can customize symbols. Take a look to the file. It contains a list of pre-defined symbols, similar to:

# Symbols
: ${omg_is_a_git_repo_symbol:='❤'}
: ${omg_has_untracked_files_symbol:='∿'}
: ${omg_has_adds_symbol:='+'}
: ${omg_has_deletions_symbol:='-'}
: ${omg_has_modifications_symbol:='✎'}

Those are just default values. If you wish to use another glyph for untracked file, just define a


in your shell startup file.

With Bash the last symbol looks very bad, like this


A: Unfortunately, I haven't find a way to tell bash "print the next symbol using the background color currently used by the terminal" and as far as I know there's no way to achieve this result. Zsh is not affected by this issue, but bash is.

As a consequence, when printing the last symbol, oh-my-git has no choice but setting explicitly the foreground and background colors. Currently, the standard background color is black. This is unfortunate, because if the terminal uses a different background color than black, the result is bad, as showed in the above screenshot.

A smart solution is the one proposed by @Sgiath: in the color palette set the first color (the one in the top-left corner) same as background color, like this


This in fact sets the "black" color to the same color used as the terminal background.

If for any reasons you cannot change the palette, you can override the colors used to render the last symbol with the variable omg_last_symbol_color.

For example, if the terminal is using a gray background, you can add a


to your .bashrc and fix the issue by choosing the right value for background.

You can use


if you want a more detailed control on the colors.

Finding the right value is not trivial. Please, refer to this page for a the 256 colors code table.

On OS X, I configured iTerm2 with the patched font, but the prompt is still broken.

A: iTerm2 preferences have 2 sections for setting the font: one for Regular Font and one for Non-ASCII Font. The font should be set on both the sections, like showed in the following screenshot:

iTerm2 Preferences Page

Help! On Linux I can't install the font!

A: You should refer to the documentation of Awesome-Terminal-Fonts. Anyway, this is how I personally setup the prompt on Ubuntu

# Copy the awesome fonts to ~/.fonts
cd /tmp
git clone
cd awesome-terminal-fonts
git checkout patching-strategy
mkdir -p ~/.fonts
cp patched/*.ttf ~/.fonts

# update the font-info cache
sudo fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts

Then, run gnome-terminal (or whatever terminal you like) and select one of the awesome-fonts

alt tag

Finally, install oh-my-zsh with the one-liner (if you use Bash) or with Antigen if you love zsh, and restart the Terminal.

When I'm not in a git repo, I want to use my old, beloved prompt...

A: Sure! Use the variable omg_ungit_prompt. Store there your old prompt: it will be used when you are not in a git repo.

Help! I used the one-liner for OS X, but the prompt doesn't start!

A: The one-liner for OS X adds the startup command in ~/.profile, which is the startup file for generic login shells. If a ~/.bash_profile is present, this is used in place of .profile, and .profile itself is ignored. To solve your issue, use this alternative one-liner

cd ~ && git clone && echo source $HOME/oh-my-git/ >> .bash_profile

or just move the startup command

echo source $HOME/oh-my-git/

from .profile to .bash_profile

Hey, where's my current virtualenv name? It disappeared from the prompt! Or it appears like this

virtualenv badly rendered

A: Yes, actually the virtualenv's approach with prompts is pretty disappointing (see Virtualenv's bin/activate is Doing It Wrong): in fact, the script activate performs a

PS1="(`basename \"$VIRTUAL_ENV\"`)$PS1"

that arrogantly prepends the virtualenv name to the current PS1, leaving you no opportunity to customise the output.

You can solve this problem disabling the standart virtualenv prompt injection and using the callback function omg_prompt_callback.


function omg_prompt_callback() {
    if [ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]; then
        echo "\e[0;31m(`basename ${VIRTUAL_ENV}`)\e[0m "

to your shell startup script. It should render the prompt inside an active virtualenv like this

a proper virtualenv rendering]

You can use the call back function to inject whatever you want at the beginning of the second line.

Known bugs and limitations

  • git v1.8.4 or newer is required
  • It works weird on brand new repositories, before the first commit
  • It has been tested on Mac and Ubuntu only. I never managed to make it work on Cygwin
  • Depending on the theme selected, you need an unicode font (like Sauce Code Pro, Menlo or Monaco on Mac OS X, or Monospace on Ubuntu; on Windows, with Cygwin, a good choice is Meslo by André Berg, but I didn't tested the ooppa-lana-style theme)
  • If the Terminal uses a clear background color, in Bash you need to change the colors defined in The zsh version is not affected by this problem.


An opinionated git prompt for bash and zsh







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