Reading ADC of NodeMCU and sending data to QT Application over UDP
The following program should be used to run Lua Script: LuaUploader_1.0.2.4
Timer Function: tmr.alarm(id, interval, repeat, function do()) id: alarmer id => 0 interval: alarm time, unit: millisecond => 10 (10ms) repeat: 0 - one time alarm, 1 - repeat => 1 function do(): callback function for alarm timed out => TimerFunc
Usage: tmr.alarm(0, 10, 1, function() TimerFunc() end)
NodeMCU shows 3.3 Voltage in 10 bit resolution (1024).
QCustomPlot library is used for graphical representation.
Compilation Note:
- The following relative path should be added to "ui_mainwindow.h" file. #include "../../qcustomplot.h"