Our public website, soon to replace the wordpress install currently live at www.civichack.me
Concisely convey the essential points of Maine Civic Hack Day. Involve the technologist community in the creation of the site.
Yes! Don't be afraid to make changes! Ask for contibutor access if you're super serious, or fork & submit a pull request!
We can pull images from these fine photographers:
- Cara Pelletier: https://www.flickr.com/photos/carasees/sets/72157633859998722/with/8914620801/
- Jeff Kirlin: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jkirlin/sets/72157633871436784/
- Andrea Beaulieu: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kreatifdezign/sets/72157634123987955/
Open an issue on the repo!
Because we need your help!