To start, run yarn install
and then yarn start
For full documentation on the connector please visit here.
configureChains, mainnet, publicProvider, WagmiConfig, publicClient, webSocketPublicClient, new DedicatedWalletConnector, and pk_live_D34413A845CE453E are now createConfig, WagmiProvider, http, QueryClient, QueryClientProvider, sepolia, dedicatedWalletConnector, and process.env.REACT_APP_MAGIC_API_KEY.
chains, publicClient, and webSocketPublicClient in config are now chains: [sepolia], transports: {[]: http(process.env.REACT_APP_RPC_URL)}, and autoConnect remains with additional configuration for dedicatedWalletConnector.
WagmiConfig config={config} and Dashboard are now wrapped in WagmiProvider config={config} and QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}.
usePrepareSendTransaction, useWaitForTransaction, and a more complex state management for address and amount in SendTransaction are replaced by a simplified use of useSendTransaction and direct state management without debouncing.
disabled={isLoading || !sendTransaction || !address || !amount} is now disabled={isLoading || !address || !amount}.
{isLoading ? "Sending..." : "Send"} is now {isLoading ? "Sending..." : "Send Transaction"}.
Success message display based on isSuccess and transaction hash link to Etherscan is removed, replaced by {hash && Transaction Hash: {hash}}.
The detailed configuration in useSignMessage including message and onSuccess callback is simplified to direct use without inline configuration. signMessage(); is now signMessage({ message: message });