This is an Arduino-controlled conveyor oven.
It has two burners, at the top and bottom of the chamber, each with its own thermocouple. Each burner has a stepper motor attached to its valve, and is controlled with a PID-control-loop.
The conveyor is moved by a DC motor, with an encoder attached to the shaft, and is also controlled with a PID-control-loop.
Need to document this better. The board is an Arduino mega, and the libraries are in the /libraries
Open terminal, cd into project folder and execute this command
arduino-cli compile --warnings default --fqbn arduino:avr:mega &&
arduino-cli upload --fqbn arduino:avr:mega -p /dev/ttyACM0
open crontab
crontab -e
Add the following cronjobs at the end, changing
@reboot {projectFolder}/ */1 * * * * date +"\%FT\%R" >> {projectFolder}/log/pid.log