Real-time editor for Final Fantasy VII PC. Currently supports English Steam version only, contact me if you need to support other versions.
You can file issues directly using the Issues tab if you have a GitHub account. Otherwise, you can also join my Discord server:
Or come and chat with me live on Twitch where I often code this app (and other FF7 related projects) live!
- Display and edit basic game information
- game moment (using a handy list of possible game moments)
- party GP
- current disc
- party Gil
- battle count
- battle escape count
- in game time
- Edit PHS and Menu locks/visibility
- Change party members
- Change game speed
- Skip intros (SquareEnix & Eidos logos)
- Option to not pause the game when unfocused
- Skip battle swirl
- Disable random encounters or make them happen constantly
- Start an arbitrary battle both from the field and the world map, optionally setting the music
- Skip FMVs
- Game over from anywhere
- Field module
- show current field ID, step ID, step fraction, danger value
- enable/disable character movement
- view a list of all loaded field models and edit the coordinates
- warp to any field, optionally setting the destination coordinates
- World module
- show current model's position and triangle information, and current region name
- show an indicator when walking over chocobo tracks
- view the world map with all relevant models marked on it
- ability to click on the world map to teleport to that position
- view a list of all loaded world models and edit the coordinates
- custom zoom/tilt camera controls
- Battle module
- show current battle ID
- invincibility mode (sets physical and magic immunity)
- instant ATB mode
- EXP/AP multipliers
- show and edit ally and enemy information (HP, MP, statuses, ATB), instant kill
- show enemy stats, elemental affinities and item drop/steal rates
- view chocobo rating during battle
- Field
- Random encounter table
- Countdown timer
- Love points
- Fort condor - battles fought, won, lost, rank, funds
- Great Glacier step counter
- World map
- zoomed-in version of the world map
- encounter table for current region/triangle type
- Chocobos
- fenced chocobos (with their rating: wonderful, great, good, etc.)
- chocobos at the stable - gender, color, rating, races won
- indicate whether you can breed a chocobo
- RNG info (seed, joker, animation index, etc.)
- Battle log (display a log of attacks, status changes, etc.)
- Remember last used hacks
- Auto-apply hacks on game start
- Save/load game state for fields
- Global hotkeys
- DLPB - author of Ochu editor, the inspiration for this app, and for the list of battle formations
- Phantasm - testing and ideas
- petfriendamy - ideas, support and the list of game moments
- picklejar76 - for the Kujata project, using which the scenes data was extracted
- myst6re - for creating and open sourcing Makou Reactor
- NFITC1 - for creating WallMarket and ProudClod which I use extensively for research
- FF7 Wiki authors - invaluable resource for learning about FF7 internals