Please visit the MoSwA documentation for detailed instructions how to use and interpret the results.
Takes the multiple sequence alignment of proteins, in fasta, fa, or afa format.
Usage: -i AlignedFasta -m motif_sites -t int -k int -o OutFolderName
Accepted arguments for -m: index,major,minor,unique (default is all), -t is the support threshold to be analyzed -k default is 9 for Kmer Length
A summary report is produced at the end.
All the outputs can be found in the created directory.
Please visit the MoSwA documentation for detailed instructions how to use and interpret the results.
1- Download and install 2.46.0 for Windows 10 (64-bit): stable_windows_10_cmake_Release_x64_graphviz-install-2.46.0-win64.exe.
2- Install PyGraphviz via
python -m pip install --global-option=build_ext --global-option="-IC:\Program Files\Graphviz\include" --global-option="-LC:\Program Files\Graphviz\lib" pygraphviz
Protein sequence diversity is one of the major challenges in the design of diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic interventions against viruses. Shannon’s entropy has been used as a quantitative measure of protein sequence diversity, applied via a user-defined k-mer sliding window. The entropy value of a given k-mer position in a sequence alignment is affected by the total number of distinct k-mer peptides observed at the position and their relative frequency, with a high entropy value indicating diversity, whereas an entropy of zero indicates complete conservation. Studies have classified distinct k-mer peptides at a given position into diversity motifs (index, major, minor, unique and k-mer_types) based on their incidence (i.e., frequency). Index is the predominant sequence, and all others comprise as total variants, sub-classified into major variant (the predominant variant), minor variants (comprising of k-mers with incidence lower than major and higher than unique) and unique variants (k-mers seen only once in the alignment). These diversity motifs enable diversity dynamics analyses of virus proteins within and between species. Motif switching at a given k-mer alignment position is a phenomenon where fitness change in one or more amino acids, such as through mutations, changes the incidence of a given k-mer sequence across its overlapping positions, resulting in a sequence rank change, and thus, a motif change. This has been observed to occur for all the motifs (index, major, minor or unique). Identifying k-mer positions that exhibited a motif switch and determining the nature of the switches was a challenge given the large combination of switches that are possible and their omnipresence. Herein, we present MoSwA (Motif Switch Analyzer;, a tool that not only identifies all alignment k-mer positions that exhibit motif switching, but also provides a multi-faceted and extensive characterisation of the switches. This includes:
- a short statistical summary on the switches observed;
- an alignment view of all the switches observed in a given dataset, referenced against a consensus sequence built from the index sequences of the k-mer positions;
- a network graph showing the dynamic interaction between the motif switches;
- a bar plot showing clusters of motif switch positions, as well as hotspots in the protein alignment;
- index switch positions are noteworthy and highlighted because highly conserved index at such positions are possibly to be avoided as vaccine targets given the instability of the index;
- a pairwise alignment score based on PAM30 is provided for index switches, to determine the physico-chemical spectrum of similarity/variability between the index sequence and the replacing variant motif sequence. The input to MoSwA is a protein multiple sequence alignment. The user can choose to study a single, multiple or all diversity motifs. MoSwA now enables a comparative analyses of motif switches within and between viral species proteomes. This can help provide a better understanding of motif switches in relation to viral sequence diversity and evolution, with implications to vaccine and drug design.
Figure 1: Selected features of MoSwA. A) A short statistical summary on the switches observed. B) A bar plot showing clusters of motif switch positions, as well as hotspots in the protein alignment. C) A network graph showing the dynamic interaction between the motif switches.