XMPP DSL (and more) for Ruby written on EventMachine and Nokogiri.
- evented architecture
- uses Nokogiri
- simplified starting point
sudo gem install blather
See the examples directory for more advanced examples.
This will auto-accept any subscription requests and echo back any chat messages.
require 'rubygems'
require 'blather/client'
setup '[email protected]', 'echo'
# Auto approve subscription requests
subscription :request? do |s|
write_to_stream s.approve!
# Echo back what was said
message :chat?, :body do |m|
write_to_stream m.reply
Setup handlers by calling their names as methods.
# Will only be called for messages where #chat? responds positively
# and #body == 'exit'
message :chat?, :body => 'exit'
So far there are two non-stanza related handlers.
# Called after the connection has been connected. It's good for initializing
# your system.
# DSL:
when_ready {}
# Client:
client.register_handler(:ready) {}
# Called after the connection has been terminated. Good for teardown or
# automatic reconnection.
# DSL:
disconnected {}
# Client
client.register_handler(:disconnected) {}
# The following will reconnect every time the connection is lost:
disconnected { client.connect }
Guards act like AND statements. Each condition must be met if the handler is to be used.
# Equivalent to saying (stanza.chat? && stanza.body)
message :chat?, :body
The different types of guards are:
# Symbol
# Checks for a non-false reply to calling the symbol on the stanza
# Equivalent to stanza.chat?
message :chat?
# Hash with any value (:body => 'exit')
# Calls the key on the stanza and checks for equality
# Equivalent to stanza.body == 'exit'
message :body => 'exit'
# Hash with regular expression (:body => /exit/)
# Calls the key on the stanza and checks for a match
# Equivalent to stanza.body.match /exit/
message :body => /exit/
# Hash with array (:name => [:gone, :forbidden])
# Calls the key on the stanza and check for inclusion in the array
# Equivalent to [:gone, :forbidden].include?(stanza.name)
stanza_error :name => [:gone, :fobidden]
# Proc
# Calls the proc passing in the stanza
# Checks that the ID is modulo 3
message proc { |m| m.id % 3 == 0 }
# Array
# Use arrays with the previous types effectively turns the guard into
# an OR statement.
# Equivalent to stanza.body == 'foo' || stanza.body == 'baz'
message [{:body => 'foo'}, {:body => 'baz'}]
# XPath
# Runs the xpath query on the stanza and checks for results
# This guard type cannot be combined with other guards
# Equivalent to !stanza.find('/iq/ns:pubsub', :ns => 'pubsub:namespace').empty?
iq '/iq/ns:pubsub', :ns => 'pubsub:namespace'
Blather provides before and after filters that work much the way regular handlers work. Filters come in a before and after flavor. They're called in order of definition and can be guarded like handlers.
before { |s| "I'm run before any handler" }
before { |s| "I'm run next" }
before(:message) { |s| "I'm only run in front of message stanzas" }
before(nil, :id => 1) { |s| "I'll only be run when the stanza's ID == 1" }
# ... handlers
after { |s| "I'm run after everything" }
Default usage is:
[blather_script] [options] [email protected]/resource password [host] [port]
Command line options:
-D, --debug Run in debug mode (you will see all XMPP communication)
-d, --daemonize Daemonize the process
--pid=[PID] Write the PID to this file
--log=[LOG] Write to the [LOG] file instead of stdout/stderr
-h, --help Show this message
-v, --version Show version
Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Smick. See LICENSE for details.