- Wide variety of distributions and random number generators to choose from
- Distributions, generators, and seeds are composable
- Support for audio-rate generation (MSP)
- odot support
- C/C++ library designed to be easily embedded in other environments
- Max/MSP
- Lisp (SBCL)
- OpenMusic / LispWorks
- Python
- PD
- benford
- bernoulli
- beta
- binomial
- cauchy
- chi_squared
- dirichlet
- discrete
- erlang
- exponential
- extreme_value
- fisher_f
- gamma
- geometric
- hypergeometric
- kumaraswamy
- laplace
- lognormal
- multinomial
- multivariate_hypergeometric
- negative_binomial
- normal
- piecewise_constant
- piecewise_linear
- poisson
- rayleigh
- student_t
- uniform_int
- uniform_real
- weibull
- knuth_b
- minstd_rand
- minstd_rand0
- mt19937
- mt19937_64
- pcg32
- pcg64
- ranlux24
- ranlux48