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How to

Assortment of "How to xxx" I want to remember.

Get a map file in Arduino for ESP

Getting a map for ESP in Arduino is "easy"; it is generated by default. The correct question is where to find it. We can also tell Arduino to store it in a place where we can find it more easily. See how.

Use the Arduino CLI

Arduino had an IDE (v1.8), which started to feel outdated. Then came the IDE v2.0 with syntax highlighting and (still not working) integrated debugger. But now there is also a Command Line Interface. How does that work?

Arduino library naming

How should I name an Arduino library, so that it fits well in the Arduino IDE. Some notes.

Iterators and generators

An article about what iterators and generators are, using Python. An excellent article of how to implement generators in C. I was wondering if setjmp/longjmp would work/help here?

How to do animations in HTML

A small set of animation demos in html. See html-animation for soure and demo.

How to create a Python Virtual environment and use a local package

This pythonpackage is an empty python application which uses an empty package, all in a virtual enviroment.

Using ESP SPI slave without SSEL

I needed to connect an SPI mastering sensor to an ESP32S3. The sensor does not have an SSEL, which is a no-go for ESP. I tried various solutions, but failed - an "how not to".

SPI modes

SPI communication knows much more variation than e.g. I2C. This how to looks at the four modes induced by CPOL (default clock state) and CPHA (data valid phase).

Using Windows' symbolic links to manage Arduino Libraries

The Arduino IDE is a bit poor in managing (files of) bigger projects. The LinkedLibrary howto explains how you can use Windows' mklink to share libraries but store them in the same repository as the using applications.

Debugging and ESP32S3 using Arduino IDE

It took many tries, but I have the debugger in the Arduino IDE running on the ESP32S3-DevKitC-1 board (without any probe). See DebuggingESP32S3Arduino.

PWM on ESP32

Project esp32pwm shows how to use PWM on an ESP32, with an exponential curve and a transistor to drive a high power LED.

Control an 128x64 LCD screen

I was given an 128x64 LCD module from POWERTIP ("PG12864WRF"). It uses an NT7108 as controller. Took quite some time to get it running.

Drag and drop in HTML

For an example and explanation see drag-n-drop-html. Or see it in action.

Wide serial plotter on Arduino 2.0

The Serial Plotter in Arduino 2.0 has a too narrow x-axis. That can be patched wider. For an example and explanation see arduino2.0-wideplot.


Computing the signal to noise ratio SNR of a series of measurements.

NodeMCU power architecture

The NodeMCU board (ESP8266, ESP32) have several pins related to power. See NodeMCU-power-architecture for an explanation of the pins.

Open drain on an ESP32

Unlike traditional Arduino boards, the ESP32 allows configuring its GPIO pins as open drain. For an example and explanation see esp32-opendrain.

Fast GPIO writes on an ESP32

Set or clear ESP32 GPIO pins via direct register access; this is much faster than via the Arduino API. For an example and explanation see esp32-fast-gpio.

Fast GPIO writes on an ATMEGA

Set or clear ATMEGA GPIO pins via direct register access; this is much faster than via the Arduino API. For an example and explanation see atmega-fast-gpio.



Assortment of "How to xxx" I want to remember.






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