Evaluate a string of lisp code and determine if it compiles.
git clone https://github.com/MichaelDimmitt/parenthesis-parser-and-csv.git &&
cd parenthesis-parser-and-csv/lisp_assignment &&
npm install &&
npm test &&
cd ..;
node lisp_assignment/parser.js;
Jest test suite is used to try out success and failure lisp code examples.
- to do *
- to do *
seperate master file into individual files based on company. sort by last name ascending sort by first name ascending remove dups with lower versions
- location, to do *
CSV Usage: build your seperate csv's with:
cd parenthesis-parser-and-csv/csv_assignment
. csv_parser.sh; ./ scalableSolution <your file here>
. csv_parser.sh; ./ scalableSolution <next file to evaluate>
At the end sort all of the csvs with the function:
- Builds all of the csv files for any size csv.
- Creates a new_file with _sorted.csv as the extension.
- Sorts each csv by Values.
- Sorts removing duplicates of last name then first name.