Compose an Ecto.Query
with a querystring
Add :ecto_query_string
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ecto_query_string, "~> 0.1.0"}
Say you have the following schemas:
defmodule Foo do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "foos" do
field(:name, :string)
field(:age, :integer)
has_many(:bars, Bar)
defmodule Bar do
use Ecto.Schema
schema "bars" do
field(:title, :string)
field(:likes, :integer)
belongs_to(:foo, Foo)
You can do things like this:
query = Ecto.Query.from(user in User)
query_string = "username=mrmicahcooper&greater:age=18&limit=10"
EctoQueryString.query(query, query_string)
And get:
Ecto.Query.from(u0 in User,
where: u0.age > ^"18",
where: u0.username == ^"mrmicahcooper",
limit: ^"10"
Here is the full DSL
# Basic Queries
"name=micah" => where: = ^"micah"
"name=micah,bob" => where: in ^["micah", "bob"]
"!name=micah" => where: != ^"micah"
"!name=micah,bob" => where: not in ^["micah", "bob"]
"like:foo=bar*" => where: like(, ^"bar%")
"like:foo=*bar" => where: like(, ^"%bar")
"like:name=*micah*" => where: like(, ^"%micah%")
"ilike:name=micah*" => where: ilike(, ^"micah%")
"ilike:name=*micah" => where: ilike(, ^"%micah")
"ilike:foo=*bar*" => where: ilike(, ^"%bar%")
"less:age=99" => where: foo.age < 99
"greater:age=40" => where: foo.age > 40
"range:age=40:99" => where: foo.age < 99 and foo.age > 40
"or:name=micah" => or_where: = ^"micah"
"or:name=micah,bob" => or_where: in ^["micah", "bob"]
"!or:name=bar" => or_where: != ^"bar"
"!or:name=micah,bob" => or_where: not in ^["bar", "baz"]
"select=foo,bar" => select: [:foo, :bar]
"fields=foo,bar" => select: [:foo, :bar]
"limit=.:99" => limit: 99
"offset=40:." => offset: 40
"between=40:99" => offset: 40, limit: 99
"order=foo,-bar,baz" => order_by: [asc: :foo, desc: :bar, asc: :baz]
#Incorporating Associated Tables
"bars.title=micah" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.title = ^"micah"
"bars.title=micah,bob" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.title in ^["micah", "bob"]
"!bars.title=micah" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.title != ^"micah")
"!bars.title=micah,bob" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.title not in ^["micah", "bob"])
"like:bars.title=micah*" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: like(bars.title, ^"bar%")
"like:bars.title=*micah" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: like(bars.title, ^"%bar")
"like:bars.title=*micah*" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: like(bars.title, ^"%bar%")
"ilike:bars.title=micah*" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: ilike(bars.title, ^"micah%")
"ilike:bars.title=*micah" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: ilike(bars.title, ^"%micah")
"ilike:bars.title=*micah* " => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: ilike(bars.title, ^"%micah%")
"less:bars.likes=99" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.likes < 99
"greater:bars.likes=99" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.likes > 99
"range:bars.likes=40:99" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), where: bars.likes< 99 and bars.likes > 40
"or:bars.title=micah" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), or_where: bars.title == ^"micah"
"or:bars.title=micah,bob" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), or_where: bars.title in ^["micah", "bob"
"!or:bars.title=micah" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), or_where: bars.title != ^"micah"
"!or:bars.title=micah,bob" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), or_where: bars.title not in ^["micah", "bob"
"select=email,bars.title" => join: bars in assoc(foo, :bars), select: [{:bars, [:title]}, :email], preload: [:bars]
When using select
- In order to hydrate the schema, you must always at least select=id
from every schema. Even nested schemas would need at least select=id,
When using order
- You cannot not (currently) order by nested fields.