This script can scrape information, related to different businesses, listed on Yelp website.
- Category name, ie - contractors
- Location, ie - San Francisco, CA
It returns a file with json objects, each json representing a business from the given search results.
- Business name
- Business rating
- Number of reviews
- Business yelp url
- Business website
- List of first 5 reviews, for each review:
- Reviewer name
- Reviewer location
- Review date
1. Get API key on this page
2. Create .env file in project directory and put there your API_KEY in next format:
3. python -m venv venv
4. source venv/bin/activate (Linux and macOS) or venv\Scripts\activate (Windows)
5. pip install -r requirements.txt
6. run
The script can work without a proxy, but sometimes it does not parse all the necessary information due to blocking. If you have access to premium proxies, you can increase the quality of parsing.