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To use the DAPP, make sure you have a Rinkeby account with some (fake) Ether 💰.
You will need to download IPFS npm install -g IPFS-api
NOTE: Update was made so that contracts may migrate with Truffle 5 (rather than Truffle 4 as was previously done)
NOTE: As with IPFS, it works best when viewing files coming from your computer as there is no incentive for other nodes to host your file until Filecoin becomes live.
DAPP uses IPFS for each account to store each file as an array. Images are used here for display.
After cloning repository, go into the client directory from the IPFS_DAPP directory
git clone https://github.com/lukzhang/DAPP_IPFS_FileSharing.git
cd DAPP_IPFS_FileSharing
cd client
If it is not open already, open up Ganache and browser with MetaMask. Migrate the contracts with --reset to be safe. Note, if you want to modify the contracts, you must navigate to the root directory and change the .sol files in the contracts directory. Migrate from IPFS_DAPP directory and copy the corresponding .json files from build/contracts to client/source/contracts
truffle migrate --reset
Because I refer to the first account from web3 as account[0], you must state to set the default account to this. However, for me, I no longer need to do this. I had to essentially do this with truffle 4. I put this procedure just in case.
truffle console
let accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts()
first = accounts[0]
web3.eth.defaultAccount = first
To make the minting function for the ERC721 token work, add the contract that calls upon the token as a minter. In this case, MyToken contract needs to add SimpleStorage address as a minter
truffle console
Finally run the server in the ./client directory. Metamask sometimes has issues when starting it, so try restarting MetaMask and resetting the account in MetaMask by going to custom RPC.
npm install
npm run start
You should be able to upload images for each account. You can view various images once you uploaded them by toggling the buttons
- Much of the starter code was inspired by https://github.com/dappuniversity/ipfs_image_uploader