Unlimited cloud storage and backup off all filetypes with Amazon Prime Photos:
This script creates AES encrypted multi volume .7z files hidden behind
.jpg files from every folder in a specified input directory. The .jpg files can be uploaded to Amazon Photos with a Prime subscription to get unlimited storage for every filetype, not just pictures. Every created picture has a size of 100 Mb.
The file names get encrypted with BASE64.
Clone this repo and install all python package requirements through the pip command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
You need to have 7zip installed and the installation path needs to be included in the environment variables.
Since Amazon disabled the App registration for ACD, you need to install the offical Amazon Photos App for uploading/downloading. The output path of the script should be included in the directories that are synchonized by the Amazon Photos App.
usage: Uploader.py [-h] [-p pass] [-a] (-e out | -d) input
positional arguments:
input input path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p pass password for encryption (default="")
-a, --archive after encryption write folders to log and skip previously logged folders
-e out encrypt all subfolders in the input folder - specify the output path
-d decrypt all .jpg archives in the input folder
Unlimited cloud storage and backup of all file types with Amazon Prime Photos.
Choose between encryption and decryption.
- For the encryption function (-e) specify the input and output path. The output path should be included in the directories that are synchonized by the Amazon Photos App.
- For the decryption function (-d) you only need to specify the input path. The encrypted JPG files get replaced with the decrypted and extracted files.
- The password of the archives can be changed with the -p tag.
- The --archive tag creates a log file. That way you can pause/cancel the script midway to upload large directories to ACD Photos. The log file makes sure you don't create duplicate archives that are already uploaded.
cd acd-photos-unlimited-backup
python acd-photos-ul.py -e C:\Out C:\In -p11 -a
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