domain or ip;0;16;tls;ws;path=/v2ray|host=domain|inside_port=10550|outside_port=443
mkdir v2ray-agent && \
cd v2ray-agent && \
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alexalexmaestro/v2ray-private/master/install.sh -o install.sh && \
chmod +x install.sh && \
bash install.sh
It's valid for most of the communication protocols, containing ws, ws+tls, tcp, kcp.
'Docker' operation will take up the ports: 2333(default, can be changed), 443(default, can be changed)
'Docker_Caddy' operation will take up the ports: 2333(default, can be changed), 10550(default, can be changed)
and 80(default, can't be changed), 443(default, can be changed). -
Also you can contact @Alex for the paid support.