Transparent CUDNN / CUBLAS usage for the deep learning training using MNIST dataset.
Version modified by me to work with cuDNN 11 [original repo here]
$ git clone
$ cd cudnn-mnist-training
$ bash
$ make
$ ./train
== MNIST training with CUDNN ==
loading ./dataset/train-images-idx3-ubyte
loaded 60000 items..
.. model Configuration ..
CUDA: conv1
CUDA: pool
CUDA: conv2
CUDA: pool
CUDA: dense1
CUDA: relu
CUDA: dense2
CUDA: softmax
.. initialized conv1 layer ..
.. initialized conv2 layer ..
.. initialized dense1 layer ..
.. initialized dense2 layer ..
step: 200, loss: 0.561, accuracy: 75.762%
step: 400, loss: 2.754, accuracy: 96.574%
step: 600, loss: 0.157, accuracy: 97.004%
step: 800, loss: 0.005, accuracy: 97.006%
step: 1000, loss: 0.178, accuracy: 97.016%
step: 1200, loss: 0.014, accuracy: 96.998%
step: 1400, loss: 0.854, accuracy: 96.998%
step: 1600, loss: 0.165, accuracy: 96.984%
step: 1800, loss: 0.051, accuracy: 97.006%
step: 2000, loss: 0.284, accuracy: 97.025%
step: 2200, loss: 0.002, accuracy: 96.996%
step: 2400, loss: 0.013, accuracy: 96.990%
loading ./dataset/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte
loaded 10000 items..
loss: 3.165, accuracy: 85.500%
- Parameter saving and loading
- Network modification
- Learning rate modificiation
- Dataset shuffling
- Testing
- Add more layers
All these features requires re-compilation