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VCEditor is for building models of the physical collation of manuscripts, and then visualizing them in various ways. The VCEditor project is led by Dot Porter at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and Alberto Campagnolo. VCEditor is built on code developed by the University of Toronto Libraries and the Old Books New Science lab, under the direction of Alexandra Gillespie.

System Requirements

  • rvm (>= 1.29.1)
  • ruby (>= 2.4.1)
  • node (>= 6.11.4)
  • npm (>= 3.10.10)

Additional Requirements for Development:

Development setup with Docker

Instead of manually installing the dependencies locally on your machine for development, you can use Docker with the provided Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.

Update the mongo host name on line 12 in viscoll-api/config/mongoid.yml from localhost to mongo (this is the Docker service name defined in docker-compose.yml).

Bring up the containers with:

docker-compose up

TOOO: Change following: give instructions for creating Ethereal mail account. The following paragraph needs to be removed.

To access emails being sent by the app (for user account activation, password reset, etc), set up Ethereal with the following credentials:

:user_name => '[email protected]',
:password => 'RP4P6zMm3rVW9adMZF'

Once the account is created, set the credentials in the .docker-environment-dev file:


Replace <ACCOUNT> with the actual account name and <PASSWORD> with the actual password.

Deploying with Docker Swarm and Traefik

To deploy the application with Docker Swarm using Traefik, first deploy the Traefik stack by running the following command:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.traefik.yml traefik

Before running the project you will need to set the environment variable PROJECT_URL to the URL you are using (e.g. export Then deploy the project:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml viscoll

There is an additional file, docker-compose.generic.yml, which can be used to spin up an instance and connect it to a specific Traefik entrypoint using the environment variable INSTANCE. For example, to run an instance called "production" that is tied to the production entrypoint you would run:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.traefik.yml traefik
PROJECT_URL=localhost RELEASE_TAG=development INSTANCE=production docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.generic.yml viscoll

Other required environment variables

Set in the ENV the following:

  • MAILER_USR -- the SMTP account to use (if needed)
  • MAILER_PWD -- the password of of the SMTP account (if needed)
  • MAILER_DEFAULT_FROM -- the default mail from account
  • MAILER_HOST -- the SMTP host
  • MAILER_DOMAIN -- the application host (e.g.,
  • PROJECT_URL -- the application host; used by Traefik
  • RELEASE_TAG -- the release tag of the docker image (e.g., lastest)
  • ADMIN_EMAIL -- the mailto address for admin emails
  • APPLICATION_HOST -- the application host; used by VCEditor
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE -- the Rails secret key base (production and staging environments)
  • RAILS_ENV -- 'production', use only if deploying to staging or production environments
  • XPROC_URL -- full URL to the xproc service; e.g.,<PORT>

In development set environment in .docker-environment-dev. See the docker-environment-dev-sample file for a template.

Installation and Setup

Skip this section if you are using Docker for development.

VisCodex API (Rails)

Rails-driven back-end for VisCodex

System Requirements

  • rvm (>= 1.29.1)
  • ruby (>= 2.4.1)
Additional Requirements for Development:


Run the following commands to install the dependencies:

rvm --ruby-version use 2.4.1@viscollobns
bundle install

Set the admin email address in two locations:

viscoll-api/app/mailers/mailer.rb on line 18:

toEmail = Rails.application.secrets.admin_email || "[email protected]"

and viscoll-api/app/mailers/feedback_mailer.rb on line 10:

Then run this to start the API server:

rails s -p 3001

If you wish to receive confirmation and password reset emails while developing, also start the mailcatcher daemon:



Run this command to test once:


Alternatively, run this command to test continually while monitoring for changes:


VisCodex App (React-Redux)

Redux-driven user interface for VisCodex

System Requirements

  • node (>= 6.11.4)
  • npm (>= 3.10.10)
Additional Requirements for Development:


Run this to install the dependencies:

npm install

Then run the dev server which brings up a browser window serving the user interface:

npm start


Run this command to test once:

npm test

Alternatively, run this command to test continually while monitoring for changes:

npm test -- --watch


Before building the app, edit line 3 in viscoll-app/src/store/axiosConfig.js to contain the correct root endpoint of the VisCodex API:

export let API_URL = '/api';

Build the app with:

npm build

Copyright and License

Copyright 2020 University of Toronto Libraries

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Visual collation builder






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  • JavaScript 56.6%
  • Ruby 27.2%
  • XSLT 14.2%
  • SCSS 1.2%
  • HTML 0.5%
  • XProc 0.2%
  • Other 0.1%