Annotate genomics variations of hg19 by using a BED format database, which construct from ncbi anno release 104. This module can directly parse the vcf4.1 format ref and single alt string(no commas in it), without normalized by vcftools, and can recognize the tandom repeat variation and duplication, generate the standard HGVS strings for most of complex cases. Also it will ajust the strand of transcript, and follow the 3' nearest rules to annotate. CG's variant shell list will also be supported.
The start position is in 0 based, stop in 1 based Tag parsing rules: Entries are separated by "; ", and for tags in entry are separated by "|"
Tags are:
- Acc.Ver
- GeneID
- Gene Symbol
- Strand
- BlockAttr
- GenePartsSO
- ExIn Num
- nHGVS start for block before departing
- nHGVS end for block before departing
- cHGVS start for block before departing
- cHGVS end for block before departing
- Length for block before departing
- MismatchBlock : $type,$gstart,$gstop,$gseq ($gseq is in the strand of refseq, '.' for deletion)
- Primary Tag : see PRIMARY TAG ASSIGNMENT at the bottom.
- Offset to leftmost of non departing block.
The BlockAttr, GenePartsSO, and ExIn Num are defined as following:
PROM 5U2E D5U1 I5U1 A5U1 5U1 C1 DC1 IC1 AC1 C2E 3U1 D3U1 I3U1 A3U1 3U2E
167 204 163 447 164 204 316 163 191 164 316 205 163 448 164 205
. |EX1 | IVS1 | EX2 | IVS2 | EX3 | IVS3 |EX4E|
1 155252631 155252633 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|DC2|163|IVS2|872+1|872+2|708+1|708+2|2||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|DR2|163|IVS2|872+1|872+2|||2||N|0
1 155252633 155253762 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|IC2|191|IVS2|872+3|873-3|708+3|709-3|1129||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|IR2|191|IVS2|872+3|873-3|||1129||N|0
1 155253762 155253764 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|AC2|164|IVS2|873-2|873-1|709-2|709-1|2||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|AR2|164|IVS2|873-2|873-1|||2||N|0
1 155253764 155253926 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|C3|316|EX3|873|1034|709|870|162||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|R3|655|EX3|873|1034|||162||N|0
1 155253926 155253928 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|DC3|163|IVS3|1034+1|1034+2|870+1|870+2|2||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|DR3|163|IVS3|1034+1|1034+2|||2||N|0
1 155253928 155254327 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|IC3|191|IVS3|1034+3|1035-3|870+3|871-3|399||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|IR3|191|IVS3|1034+3|1035-3|||532||N|0
1 155254327 155254329 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|AC3|164|IVS3|1035-2|1035-1|871-2|871-1|2||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|IR3|191|IVS3|1034+3|1035-3|||532||N|399
1 155254329 155254460 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|C4|316|EX4|1035|1253|871|1089|219||Y|0; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|IR3|191|IVS3|1034+3|1035-3|||532||N|401
1 155254460 155254462 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|C4|316|EX4|1035|1253|871|1089|219||Y|131; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|AR3|164|IVS3|1035-2|1035-1|||2||N|0
1 155254462 155254548 NM_020897.2|HCN3|57657|+|C4|316|EX4|1035|1253|871|1089|219||Y|133; NR_073074.1|HCN3|57657|+|R4|655|EX4|1035|1120|||86||N|0
Header format is: ( separate by " ", with "." for unavailable value )
>rnaAcc.ver rnaLen gene protAcc.ver protLen cdsSta,cdsEnd tags [altStartCodons] [frameshiftSite]
"tags" are a string of multiple properties separated by "|", which are:
when "tags" contain "altstart", alternative start codons will be list in "altStartCodons",
separated by ";"
Our database need to sort the refSeq record with same Acc, or with same gene by the following rules:
- whether the transcript is on the primary assembly.
- whether the CDS is 3-codons (badcds will be put to the tail)
- concatenated CDS is longer
- concatenated Exon is longer
- union Exon with flank region is longer
- Chromosome ID number is smaller
- Position number on forward strand-chromosome is smaller
if LRG_RefSeqGene file is used, then the primary tag "Y" will only assign to the reference standard transcripts's first mapping entry. But for non-RefSeqGene gene/transcript, assign primary tag "Y" to the first record for same genes' all transcripts, which is the same with no LRG_RefSeqGene file case.
For multiple-mapping of a same transcript, add postfix "-N" (1..n-1) to the other records in the order of sort.