ARM template to start a Windows VM and provision it with artifacts to containerize. Azure's Windows Server 2016 with Containers VM image is used for its convenience in having the microsoft/windowsservercore and microsoft/nanoserver images ready to use. That avoids 6GiB of download.
The project contains a python project and published artifacts from an ASP.NET MVC project. Both include a Dockerfile in their directory.
Any method of deploying an ARM template will do. For example, using Powershell
, login to your Azure account
then issue
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name Dockering -Location "Central US"
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name WindowsContainers -ResourceGroupName Dockering -TemplateFile .\arm-template.json
Or by using the one-click deploy button below: Alternatively, you can perform a one-click deploy with the following button:
Connect to the VM and get containerizing! The artifacts are loaded onto the temporary D: drive to exploit the SSD of the Standard A1 V2 VM type.