Run Tests and Package SDK on commit 120f50f125a9e655c51ce9dd0d5ad8f39037791f #360
❌️ 2022.3.42f1-playmode-zerodep Test Results - 24/71, skipped: 1, failed: 46 - Failed in 48.715s
❌️ playmode-results.xml - 24/71, skipped: 1, failed: 46 - Failed in 48.715s
❌️ playmode-results.xml - 24/71, skipped: 1, failed: 46 - Failed in 48.715s
❌️ AverageRequestTimeTest - 0/3, skipped: 1, failed: 2 - Failed in 3.069s
❌️ AverageRequestTimeTest_DoesNotIncrease - Failed in 1.922s
Setup did not succeed
Expected: False
But was: TrueServerRequest POST URL: REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"} LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". Server Response: 429 completed in 1.2964 secs. Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false} at AverageRequestTimeTest+<AverageRequestTimeTest_DoesNotIncrease>d__9.MoveNext () [0x0010f] in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/AverageRequestTimeTest.cs:152 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
⚠️ SimultaneousSameRequests_AreGrouped - Skipped -
❌️ SimultaneousSimilarRequests_GetsIndividualAnswers - Failed in 1.146s
Setup did not succeed
Expected: False
But was: TrueServerRequest POST URL: REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"} LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7940 secs. Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false} at AverageRequestTimeTest+<SimultaneousSimilarRequests_GetsIndividualAnswers>d__10.MoveNext () [0x00075] in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/AverageRequestTimeTest.cs:349 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.GuestSessionTest - 0/5, failed: 5 - Failed in 4.581s
- ❌️ EndGuestSession_Succeeds - Failed in 0.910s
- ❌️ StartGuestSession_WithoutIdentifier_Succeeds - Failed in 0.924s
- ❌️ StartGuestSession_WithPlayerAsIdentifier_Fails - Failed in 0.894s
- ❌️ StartGuestSession_WithProvidedIdentifier_Succeeds - Failed in 0.927s
- ❌️ StartGuestSession_WithStoredIdentifier_Succeeds - Failed in 0.927s
✅ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.JsonTests - 13/13 - Passed in 0.238s
- ✅ Json_ConditionalSerializationConfigured_OnlyConfiguredFieldsAreSerialized - Passed in 0.033s
- ✅ Json_CyclicJsonSerialization_ThrowsCyclicJsonException - Passed in 0.017s
- ✅ Json_CyclicJsonSerializationWithCustomOptions_Succeeds - Passed in 0.014s
- ✅ Json_DeserializationCaseConversion_CaseIsConvertedToSnake - Passed in 0.025s
- ✅ Json_DeserializingComplexArrayJson_Succeeds - Passed in 0.036s
- ✅ Json_DeserializingMultiDimensionalArray_Succeeds - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ Json_DeserializingSimpleJson_Succeeds - Passed in 0.011s
- ✅ Json_DictionarySerializationAndDeserialization_Succeeds - Passed in 0.046s
- ✅ Json_ListSerializationDeserialization_BackAndForthPreservesData - Passed in 0.007s
- ✅ Json_SerializationCaseConversion_CaseIsConvertedToSnake - Passed in 0.006s
- ✅ Json_SerializingMultidimensionalArray_Succeeds - Passed in 0.006s
- ✅ Json_SerializingSimpleJson_Succeeds - Passed in 0.012s
- ✅ Json_SimpleTypeSerialization_Succeeds - Passed in 0.016s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardDetailsTest - 0/2, failed: 2 - Failed in 1.845s
- ❌️ Leaderboard_ListRewards_Succeeds - Failed in 0.918s
- ❌️ Leaderboard_ListSchedule_Succeeds - Failed in 0.927s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest - 0/3, failed: 3 - Failed in 3.104s
❌️ Leaderboard_ListScoresThatHaveMetadata_GetsMetadata - Failed in 1.045s
Failed to setup game
Expected: False
But was: TrueServerRequest POST URL: REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"} LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7932 secs. Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false} at LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest+<Leaderboard_ListScoresThatHaveMetadata_GetsMetadata>d__9.MoveNext () [0x00045] in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs:276 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
❌️ Leaderboard_ListTopTenAsGeneric_Succeeds - Failed in 1.023s
Failed to setup game
Expected: False
But was: TrueServerRequest POST URL: REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"} LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7823 secs. Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false} at LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest+<Leaderboard_ListTopTenAsGeneric_Succeeds>d__8.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs:191 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
❌️ Leaderboard_ListTopTenAsPlayer_Succeeds - Failed in 1.036s
Failed to setup game
Expected: False
But was: TrueServerRequest POST URL: REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"} LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again." There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it. If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details: message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.". Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7948 secs. Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false} at LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest+<Leaderboard_ListTopTenAsPlayer_Succeeds>d__7.MoveNext () [0x00045] in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs:131 at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.NotificationTests - 0/7, failed: 7 - Failed in 6.391s
- ❌️ Notifications_ConvenienceLookupTable_CanLookUpAllNotificationTypes - Failed in 0.912s
- ❌️ Notifications_ListNotificationsWithPaginationParameters_ReturnsCorrectPage - Failed in 0.915s
- ❌️ Notifications_ListWithDefaultParametersWhenLessThanDefaultPageSize_ReturnsAllNotifications - Failed in 0.918s
- ❌️ Notifications_MarkAllNotificationsAsRead_AllNotificationsMarkedAsRead - Failed in 0.912s
- ❌️ Notifications_MarkAllNotificationsAsReadUsingConvenienceMethod_SpecifiedNotificationsMarkedAsRead - Failed in 0.923s
- ❌️ Notifications_MarkSpecificNotificationsAsRead_SpecifiedNotificationsMarkedAsRead - Failed in 0.914s
- ❌️ Notifications_MarkSpecificNotificationsAsReadUsingConvenienceMethod_SpecifiedNotificationsMarkedAsRead - Failed in 0.897s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.PingTest - 0/2, failed: 2 - Failed in 1.830s
- ❌️ Ping_WithoutSession_Fails - Failed in 0.921s
- ❌️ Ping_WithSession_Succeeds - Failed in 0.910s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.PlayerFilesTest - 0/1, failed: 1 - Failed in 0.916s
- ❌️ PlayerFiles_UploadSimplePublicFile_Succeeds - Failed in 0.916s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.PlayerInfoTest - 0/2, failed: 2 - Failed in 1.885s
- ❌️ PlayerInfo_GetOther_Succeeds - Failed in 0.978s
- ❌️ PlayerInfo_GetSelf_Succeeds - Failed in 0.906s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.PlayerStorageTest - 0/3, failed: 3 - Failed in 2.809s
- ❌️ PlayerStorage_CreatePayload_SucceedsAndReturnsStorage - Failed in 0.943s
- ❌️ PlayerStorage_GetOtherPlayersStorage_GetsOnlyPublicValues - Failed in 0.950s
- ❌️ PlayerStorage_UpdatePayload_Succeeds - Failed in 0.916s
✅ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.RateLimiterTests - 11/11 - Passed in 3.462s
- ✅ RateLimiter_ConstantRequestsBelowTripWire_HitsMovingAverageRateLimit - Passed in 0.311s
- ✅ RateLimiter_ExcessiveQuickSuccessionRequests_HitsTripwireRateLimit - Passed in 0.295s
- ✅ RateLimiter_FrequentSmallBursts_DoesNotHitRateLimit - Passed in 0.287s
- ✅ RateLimiter_InfrequentLargeBursts_DoesNotHitRateLimit - Passed in 0.294s
- ✅ RateLimiter_LowLevelBackgroundRequestsWithIntermittentBursts_HitsRateLimit - Passed in 0.334s
- ✅ RateLimiter_NormalAmountOfAverageRequests_DoesNotHitRateLimit - Passed in 0.296s
- ✅ RateLimiter_RateLimiterHit_ResetsAfter3Minutes - Passed in 0.326s
- ✅ RateLimiter_SuddenHugeBurstAbove_LimitTriggersRateLimit - Passed in 0.379s
- ✅ RateLimiter_SuddenHugeBurstBelowLimit_DoesNotTriggerRateLimit - Passed in 0.289s
- ✅ RateLimiter_SuddenHugeBurstBelowLimitFollowedByAFewRequests_TriggersRateLimit - Passed in 0.365s
- ✅ RateLimiter_UndulatingLowLevelOfRequests_DoesNotHitRateLimit - Passed in 0.286s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.SessionRefreshTest - 0/2, failed: 2 - Failed in 1.820s
- ❌️ RefreshSession_ExpiredWhiteLabelSessionAndAutoRefreshEnabled_SessionIsAutomaticallyRefreshed - Failed in 0.915s
- ❌️ RefreshSession_ExpiredWhiteLabelSessionButAutoRefreshDisabled_SessionDoesNotRefresh - Failed in 0.906s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.SubmitScoreTest - 0/7, failed: 7 - Failed in 6.430s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_AttemptSubmitOnOverwriteScore_DoesNotUpdateScoreWhenScoreIsLower - Failed in 0.920s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_AttemptSubmitOnOverwriteScore_UpdatesScoreWhenScoreIsHigher - Failed in 0.900s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_SubmitMetadataToLeaderboardWithoutMetadata_IgnoresMetadata - Failed in 0.923s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_SubmitOnOverwriteScoreWhenOverwriteIsAllowed_UpdatesScore - Failed in 0.931s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_SubmitToGenericLeaderboard_Succeeds - Failed in 0.900s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_SubmitToLeaderboardWithMetadata_Succeeds - Failed in 0.941s
- ❌️ SubmitScore_SubmitToPlayerLeaderboard_Succeeds - Failed in 0.915s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.TriggerTests - 0/6, failed: 6 - Failed in 5.531s
- ❌️ Triggers_InvokeNonExistentTrigger_Fails - Failed in 0.911s
- ❌️ Triggers_InvokeSameTriggerTwiceInSameCall_InvokesOnlyOnce - Failed in 0.896s
- ❌️ Triggers_InvokeTriggerOverLimit_Fails - Failed in 0.913s
- ❌️ Triggers_InvokeTriggerUnderLimit_Succeeds - Failed in 0.941s
- ❌️ Triggers_InvokeTriggerWithoutLimit_Succeeds - Failed in 0.960s
- ❌️ Triggers_MultipleTriggersWithoutLimitCalledInSameCall_Succeeds - Failed in 0.910s
❌️ LootLockerTests.PlayMode.WhiteLabelLoginTest - 0/4, failed: 4 - Failed in 3.645s
- ❌️ WhiteLabel_SignUp_Succeeds - Failed in 0.912s
- ❌️ WhiteLabel_SignUpAndLogin_Succeeds - Failed in 0.920s
- ❌️ WhiteLabel_SignUpAndLoginWithWrongPassword_Fails - Failed in 0.904s
- ❌️ WhiteLabel_VerifySession_Succeeds - Failed in 0.910s
Check failure on line 152 in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/AverageRequestTimeTest.cs
github-actions / 2022.3.42f1-playmode-zerodep Test Results
Setup did not succeed
Expected: False
But was: True
Raw output
ServerRequest POST URL:
REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"}
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
Server Response: 429 completed in 1.2964 secs.
Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false}
at AverageRequestTimeTest+<AverageRequestTimeTest_DoesNotIncrease>d__9.MoveNext () [0x0010f] in /github/workspace/sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/AverageRequestTimeTest.cs:152
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
Check failure on line 349 in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/AverageRequestTimeTest.cs
github-actions / 2022.3.42f1-playmode-zerodep Test Results
Setup did not succeed
Expected: False
But was: True
Raw output
ServerRequest POST URL:
REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"}
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7940 secs.
Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false}
at AverageRequestTimeTest+<SimultaneousSimilarRequests_GetsIndividualAnswers>d__10.MoveNext () [0x00075] in /github/workspace/sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/AverageRequestTimeTest.cs:349
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
Check failure on line 276 in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs
github-actions / 2022.3.42f1-playmode-zerodep Test Results
Failed to setup game
Expected: False
But was: True
Raw output
ServerRequest POST URL:
REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"}
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7932 secs.
Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false}
at LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest+<Leaderboard_ListScoresThatHaveMetadata_GetsMetadata>d__9.MoveNext () [0x00045] in /github/workspace/sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs:276
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
Check failure on line 191 in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs
github-actions / 2022.3.42f1-playmode-zerodep Test Results
Failed to setup game
Expected: False
But was: True
Raw output
ServerRequest POST URL:
REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"}
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7823 secs.
Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false}
at LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest+<Leaderboard_ListTopTenAsGeneric_Succeeds>d__8.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in /github/workspace/sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs:191
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46
Check failure on line 131 in sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs
github-actions / 2022.3.42f1-playmode-zerodep Test Results
Failed to setup game
Expected: False
But was: True
Raw output
ServerRequest POST URL:
REQUEST BODY = {"email":"\"sd****************************************om\"","password":"************************"}
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
LootLocker Error: "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again."
There was a problem with your request. The error message provides information on the problem and will help you fix it.
If you are unable to fix the issue, contact LootLocker support and provide the following error details:
message - "Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.".
Server Response: 429 completed in 0.7948 secs.
Response: {"message":"Too many unsuccessful login attempts. Please wait and try again.","success":false}
at LootLockerTests.PlayMode.LeaderboardTest+<Leaderboard_ListTopTenAsPlayer_Succeeds>d__7.MoveNext () [0x00045] in /github/workspace/sdk/Tests/LootLockerTests/PlayMode/LeaderboardTest.cs:131
at UnityEngine.TestTools.TestEnumerator+<Execute>d__7.MoveNext () [0x0004e] in ./Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/UnityEngine.TestRunner/NUnitExtensions/Attributes/TestEnumerator.cs:46