Releases: lonk/mjrt
Releases · lonk/mjrt
fix an issue with the timer when locking a room
add a spectator mode
allow the room owner to lock the room
remove the 2 steps start of a game
fix sw error on firefox private navigation
remove the footer and put github link to icons list
add icons list to the login layout
add majority link on the login page
change emotes to prettier ones
display the emote in full size for 2 seconds when it is chosen by the player
fix players container centering
add the first version of the emotes
change color of the answer A to be different of answer C for colorblind people
clean prometheus labels on room deletion
redirect not found urls to /login
randomize answers display order
play a success or a failure sound when answers are shown
chosen answers are now more visibles
add a google analytics link
fix rooms auto-deletion
play a notify sound when a new question is shown
major cleanup of the whole codebase
don't take in account offline players to skip the WaitingForAnswers timer
display the reason of a denied room join
display the number of the current round
add a proper environment
fix winners display
elect a new game master if the former one leaves the room
remove offline players at room reset
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