A game programming exercice
Just exploring several ways to recreate the Ping Pong game exercise proposed by https://robots.thoughtbot.com/pong-clone-in-javascript . First trial is based on a physical world metaphor. Second trial will be more event oriented. And so on, exploring various coding strategies for the sake of it. Update 2019-03-18: Too busy at work and moved on to other coding challenges.
Making this public to get feedback and suggestions on how to improve. I'm also looking for work.
For more info about me: https://www.loicbenoit.com
- Solution 1: Exploring the physical world metaphor using prototype delegation.
- A recent version of FireFox, Chrome, Edge or Safari (your browser must support some recent Javascript features).
- Will probably not work on IE (too old for modern Javascript). You should upgrade to FireFox, Chrome, Edge or Safari. Unless coding for a commercial project, I don't care for IE anymore. It's completely outdated and was replaced by Edge for a good reason.
- Touch support / Mobile support:
Will add touch detection soon. - Edge on Windows: The Google analytics code creates a JS error in Edge. It's a Websocket error. I'll need to get a Windows computer and investigate this further. I observed no issue in Chrome and Firefox on Mac/Windows/Linux. This seems to be limited to Edge and IE.