This component provides a PSR-6 implementation of Aerospike for adding cache to your applications.
composer require lmc/aerospike-cache
$aerospike = new \Aerospike(['hosts' => [['addr' => '', 'port' => 3000]]]);
$aerospikeCache = new AerospikeCache($aerospike, 'aerospkeNamespace');
AerospikeCache uses PSR-6 caching interface for manipulation with the data.
The AerospikeCache also comes bundled with Symfony Cache adapter for DoctrineCache
Creating a new Aerospike instance will immediately connect to the aerospike server,
which might take a while and it should be in lazy
For latest changes see file. We follow Semantic Versioning.
composer install
For each pull-request, unit tests as well as static analysis and codestyle checks must pass.
To run all those checks execute:
composer all