A simple azure functions app to manage the power state of an azure vm
This project belongs to the Linux Server Configuration Project
The frontend of the app can be found in this repository
To create an Azure Functions App in Azure, go to the azure portal: portal.azure.com
If you haven't created a Subscription yet, create a free subscription.
If you are logged in to the portal, click on Create a resource and select the category Compute.
Then click on Function App
- App name: unique name for the functions app (will be your url to access the api from the frontend)
- Subscription: Your Azure subscription
- Resource group: Select existing from the list or create a new.
- OS: The operating system you want to use for the function app. If you want to use the .net Framework (not .net core) then you need to select Windows. Linux is currently in preview.
- Hosting Plan: Consumtion plan
- Location: North Europe
- Runtime Stack: .Net
- Storage: The storage account you want to use
- Application Insights: Useful, if you want to have detailed error reporting and statistics. If you want to use it, click on "Application Insights Disabled".
- On the next screen click from "Disable" to "Enable"
- Select Create new resource
- New resource name: a unique name for the insights resource.
- Location: North Europe
- Click on Apply
- Click on Create
- You need to wait about 30 minutes before the deployment can begin. Otherwise, you can get problems with the deployment.
You can deploy this project directly from Visual Studio.
If you have cloned the repository, open the solutions file.
- In Visual Studio Click on Build -> Publish VM_Manager
- In the now opened screen, Click on "New profile..."
- Select Select existing
- Select On lower right edge, instead of "Publish Immediately" -> "Create Profile" and click on it.
- Select your Subscription and the created functions app from the list (expand the resource group)
- Click on OK
- Select your created profile from the list
- Click on Publish