Projects with property sheets, and inherited properties
How do we know whether properties
- override parents?
- merge with parents?
- Some properties have a '' setting
- Where is this stored? It doesn't seem to be on the properties themselves.
- Intermediate folder
- Output folder
- AdditionalIncludeDirectories
- PreprocessorDefinitions
- WarningLevel
- WarnAsError
- Optimization
- AdditionalLibraryDirectories
- AdditionalDependencies
- LinkLibraryDependencies
- GenerateDebugInformation
- LinkLibraryDependencies
- CommandLine
- CommandLine
- Make path to cygwin configurable for the tester
- Output target names might not be the same as project names.
- 32-bit vs 64-bit generation?
- Config option to suppress checking in current folder for dlls.
- Allow change to folder prefix "gcc" (maybe v 1.2)
- Custom build steps
- Pre / post build steps
- Notes on the code
- Notes on cygwin install for testings
- OnDemandPriceLogger: fails with 'Value cannot be null'