Package pkg (@zeit/pkg) based applications into production bundles for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
$ npm install pkg-packager
const packager = require('pkg-packager')'./path/to/application', {
type: 'appimage'
productName: 'Application'
packager.package((err, results) => {
Creates and returns a packaging target where pathspec
is a path that can be
resolved to a location on the file system and opts
can be:
assets: [], // An array of assets to copy over
// explicitly to the built and packaged
// application. Assets can take the form of
// a string or an object like
// `{from: '..', to: '..'}` to specify the
// source and destination explicitly.
builder: null, // A custom builder for this target which
// will cause the target to skip loading a
// builder and thus `opts.loadBuilder()`
// will not be called.
config: null, // A path to `pkg` configuration JSON file.
// This can be a `package.json` file so long
// as the JSON structure looks like this:
// `{"pkg": { ... }}`
directories: [], // An array of directories to copy over
// explicitly to the built and packaged
// application. Directories can take the
// form of a string or an object like
// `{from: '..', to: '..'}` to specify the
// source and destination explicitly. If
// the destination is not specified, the
// parent directory structures are
// preserved.
executableName: null, // The name of the compiled `pkg`
// output executable file name that may
// appear in built packages. This default
// value is to use the basename of the
// target's "pathspec". This value
// may also be used in various
// external builders.
loadBuilder: (filename) => null, // A function to load a builder module's
// exports by filename. This could be
// require function to contextually
// load a local module as a builder.
output: 'build/', // The output directory for builders
// to write output files to.
platform: 'linux|macos|win', // The platform type to help indicate
// which builder implementation to use when
// loading a builder. The default value
// depends on `process.platform`.
productName: null, // The name of the packaged product
// a builder will produce. This could be
// the name of the file (with or without
// the extension name) or internal
// metadata embedded into a file to
// detail product information. The
// usage of this property should be
// documented by the builder you use.
symlinks: [], // An array of symlinks in the form of
// `{from: '..', to: '..'}` to
// indicate the source and destination
// of symbol links in the packaged output.
type: 'appimage|appdmg|exe', // The builder type to use for this target.
// The builder type is used to indicate
// which builder should be loaded for the
// target. The default value depends on
// the value of `process.platform`.
v8: [] | {} | '', // An array or object of key-value pairs
// of v8 options given to `pkg` that are
// "baked" into the built application.
// Options can be an array of
// strings mapping key-value pairs in the
// form of "key=value", an object
// mapping key-value pairs, or a space
// separated list of "key=value"
// options in a single string.
Enumerates all created targets, compiling each with pkg
if the it is
non-binary, and then triggering the target's builder. The callback
will be called when packaging is complete or when an error occurs. The value of
is optional and can be:
config: null, // A path to `pkg` configuration JSON file
// that will overload all target configurations.
// This can be a `package.json` file so long as the JSON
// structure looks like this:
// `{"pkg": { ... }}`
debug: false, // If set to `true`, will enable "debug" output for `pkg`
v8: [] | {} | '', // An array or object of key-value pairs of v8 options
// given to `pkg` that are "baked" into the built
// application. Options can be an array of strings
// mapping key-value pairs in the form of "key=value",
// an object mapping key-value pairs, or a space
// separated list of "key=value" options in a single
// string.
The pkg-packager
comes built-in and pre-installed builders to use out of the
- .AppImage (Linux only)
- .dmg (.app) (_macOS only)
- .exe (Windows only) coming soon