This repo contains short projects, useful information and various tidbits collected throughout the AQM sessions.
The main topics covered have been:
- Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization
- Correlations
- Python Plotting
- Generalized Linear Models
- Linear Predictor
- Link Function (relate predictor to expectation of response)
- Probability Distribution (relate probability to expectation)
- Linear and Logistic Regression
- Logits and logistic function
- QQ Plots
- R^2, RSE, t/F-scores, p-values, etc.
- Classification Metrics
- Accuracy
- Confusion Matrix
- Regularization Techniques:
- Ridge and Lasso Regression
- K-Folds Cross Validation
- Databases
- SQL Queries
- Select, From, Where, Join, etc
- Group Projects: Supervised Learning
- Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
- Works well on high feature, low example space
- Finds maximal hyperplane separating data
- Does not easily extend to multiple classes
- Use of kernels to easily extend feature space
- Random Forests and Decision Trees
- Most human readable/interpretable method
- Non-robust (this good for ensemble learning)
- Works to increase the information gain at each decision
- Random forests work to insert randomness and reduce overfitting
- Linear/Quadratic Disciminant Analysis
- Requires non-categorical data (based upon normally distributed features)
- LDA approximates the Bayesian decision boundary for normal features
- Often used for dimensionality reduction
- Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
- Ensemble Learning
- Bagging = Vote Based
- Stacking = Learning Based
- Unupervised Learning
- Clustering
- K-Means
- Hierarchial
- (H) Density based
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Linear: PCA, LDA
- Nonlinear
- Hungarian Algorithm
- Perform stability analysis on clusters
- Clustering
- Group Projects: Unsupervised Learning
- Natural Language Programming (NLP)
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
- Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF)
- Time-Series Clustering
- Dynamic Time Warping
- Fourier Transforms
- Wavelet Analysis
- Quantitative Data
- Density based clustering (DBSCAN)
- Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)
- Natural Language Programming (NLP)
- Neural Networks
- Forward/Backwards Propagation
- Gradient Descent with Momentum
- Cost Functions, Optimizers, Activation Functions
- Regularization and dropout
- NN and Keras
- Types of optimizers, losses, activations, etc. available.
- Sequential Model
- Functional Model
- NN and TensorFlow
- How to create a simple neural net without crying.
- Graphs, sessions, tensors, optimizers, etc.
- Advanced NNs
- Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN)
- Computer Vision
- Recurrent Neural Nets (RNN)
- Time Series (Long Short Term Memory)
- Convolutional Neural Nets (CNN)
- Group Projections: Neural Networks
- Time Series Prediction
- LSTM Networks
- 1D Convolutional NNs
- Importance of properly scaling data
- Computer Vision
- CNN Networks
- Transfer Learning: USE what people have built before you
- Tip: the 'Inception' CNN papers have useful tips for implementation
- Natural Language Processing (Sentiment Analysis / Text Classification)
- LSTM Networks
- Use an embedding layer (like training word2vec) to convert text to numerical vectors
- Time Series Prediction
- Tableau
- Learning how to visualize data with many different options.
- Light GBMs (Gradient Boosted & Shapely Values
- Popular boosted decision tree method.
- Shapely values used to create visualizations of feature importance.
- ARIMA (Time Series Forecasting)
- Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model
- Method to fit time series using moving averages, integrated (to create stationary data by differencing) and lagged observations.
Contains all the datasets used in the problem sets. These include:
- test_eda.csv, train_eda.csv, and data_description_eda.txt
- This is a housing data set.
- Used in PSO_EDA
- Advertising.csv
- Sales as a function of advertising costs in Radio, TV, and Newspaper
- Used in PS1_LinearRegression
- social_network_data.csv
- Classification on whether a purchase will happen based on age and salary.
- Used in PS2_LogisticRegression
- spambase.csv and spambase_2.csv
- Classification on whether email is spam or not.
- Used in PS3_MetricsValidation
- BreastCancer.csv
- Classification on whether a patient will have breast cancer
- Used to test the DIY SVM Model
- MiniBooNE_PID.txt
- Classification project on data from the neutrino miniboone experiment.
- Used in PS4_Ensembles and DIY_SVM
- data_banknote_authentication.txt
- Banknote authentication data
- Used in PS7_NN_Keras
- Concrete_Data.csv
- Data about... concrete.
- Used in PS8_LinReg_TF
- titanic3.csv
- Data pertaining to the survivors of the titanic.
- Used in PS9_LightGBM_Shapely
- portland-oregon-average-monthly-.csv
- Data that displays the average bus ridership in Portland over multiple years.
- Used in PS10_ARIMA
Contains useful notebooks that answer the problem sets. These include:
- PS0_EDA.ipynb
- Contains basic exploratory data analysis
- Covers seaborns, histograms, correlations, quantitative vs. qualitative data
- PS1_LinearRegression_Py/R.ipynb
- Contains a Python/R implementation of ordinary least squares via gradient descent.
- Includes basic analysis with various statistical packages (QQ plots, p-values, etc).
- PS2_Worksheet.ipynb
- Introduces logistic regression in the GLM framework.
- Includes probability theory for binomial and bernoulli variables.
- PS2_LogisticRegression.ipynb
- Python implementation of logistic regression via Newton-Rhapson
- Compares results with a scikit-learn model
- PS3_MetricsValidation.ipynb
- Implements logistic regression using k-fold CV.
- Logistic regression is done using ridge regression, with k-folds CV to choose best hyperparameter.
- PS4_Ensembles.ipynb
- Implements an ensemble of learners to predict outcomes
- Learners used include SVM, Random Forests, and LDA/QDA.
- PS5A_IrisClustering.ipynb
- Implements various clustering models on the IRIS data to compare and introduce the methods.
- Includes kmeans, agglomerative, gaussian mixture model, dbscan, hdbscan
- PS5B_DIY_KMeans.ipynb
- Implements a DIY version of K-means
- Uses K-means++ initialization and standard Euclidean distance
- PS6_DIY_NeuralNetwork.ipynb
- Implements a DIY version of a NN with various activation functions, costs, momentum.
- Tests the NN on various simple data sets (XOR function)
- PS7_NN_Keras.ipynb
- Implements introductory neural networks using Keras.
- Builds a visual aid, sequential model, and functional model. Saves them to /PS7_Keras_Models.
- PS7_TensorFlow_Guide.ipynb
- Notebook going through the tutorial code in the low-level-API introduction.
- Also created /TF_Example_SaveModel_* directories as a result of saving example models.
- PS8A_LinReg_TF.ipynb
- Notebook going through the tutorial on linear regression in neural networks.
- Implements various different versions of linear regression: different regression, batches, optmizers, etc.
- PS8B_NN_TF.ipynb
- Example notebook implementing a simple ANN.
- Goes through the tutorial first, before adding different metrics, custom loss function, and different initialization.
- PS9_LightGBM_Shapely.ipynb
- Example notebook that uses the LightGBM model.
- Also uses Shapely values to look at the most important features/factors.
- PS10_ARIMA.ipynb
- Example notebook that explores the ARIMA timeseries method.
- Explores timeseries stationarity, seasonality, and forecasting.
- DIY_SVM.ipynb
- Implements a DIY version of both gaussian and linear SVMs
- Also contains modules for k-folds, bootstrapping, and data analysis
- DIY_LDA.ipynb
- Implements a DIY version of latent dirichlet allocation (both Gibbs sampling and Bayes inference)
- Also includes basic Dirichlet explanations
- LSTM_Example.ipynb
- Follows an online example to create a LSTM NN. Saves models in /LSTM_Models.
- Also uses the data generating class instead of directly importing data.
- Hungarian_Algorithm_Example.ipynb
- Example notebook that shows the Hungarian algorithm in practice.
- Just uses an sklearn dataset.
Contains solutions for the more involved third assigment:
- Regularization and Condition Number
- Elastic Net and Variable Selection
- Expectation Maximization (EM) & Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
Contains some basic Tableau examples.
Contains useful reference texts, and notes from the classes.
Contains images used in some of the notebooks.