The effects in this ZIP file were created by Lightworks users - thank you to all who have contributed, especially khaver, who started things off. Previous users of the library will of course have noticed that this library is no longer sorted by simple alphabetical order. Details of the library contents can be found at the following on-line locations. The first is sorted by order of posting and the second thread is sorted by category as is this library, and is rather more detailed.
First, a warning: you shouldn't import effects files that you're unlikely to need. If you do Lightworks startup times may be affected. This is a library and should be treated as such - you don't take home all the books in your local library at once either.
In this library where alternative versions of the effects exist they are separately listed and the entry includes the path that they are in. Where necessary a Read Me file may also be included in the folder with those versions.
Use of these effects is simple.
- Copy the FX file(s) that you need to your computer. Anywhere will do as long as you know where to find them.
- Launch Lightworks, open a project, then open the Effects panel. In "Flexible" mode there's a button in your timeline, in "Fixed" mode you must select the VFX tab.
- Select the orange "+" symbol, and right click on the word "Category".
- From the drop down menu that appears choose "Create template from .FX file..".
- In the top left of the window that appears click on "Places" and navigate to the folder in which you stored the FX file.
- Select the FX file and then click OK.
The effect will be copied, compiled and a further window will appear giving details.
NOTE: Every attempt has been made to ensure that these effects will compile and run on any version of Lightworks on any supported operating system. If you have trouble installing them, please make a note of any error message that Lightworks gives you. Post the complete details here. It will be followed up.
There is no checking in this zip file for effects with duplicate functionality. These are all included largely as supplied by the original creator. Some of the earlier effects may have been superseded by Editshare-supplied equivalents. It's up to you to check that any given effect does what you want, and does it better/faster/simpler than any alternative.
Lightworks does not overwrite existing effects but simply adds new ones to the list, even if they have the same name and category as a currently installed effect. If you want to replace an effect you need to destroy the existing version first. In the effects panel right-click on the effect you wish to change, and from the menu that appears, select "Destroy current effect". Then install your new version in the usual way. Note that you cannot delete effects supplied with Lightworks this way.
If you need to use two effects that have the same name, simply open one of them with any plain text editor (definitely not a word processor) and look for the line up near the top of the file that says something like ' string Description = "Effect name"; '. Type in your new name in place of the existing effect name inside the quotes and save the file. When you load that version it will now have the name that you gave it.
One alternative approach is to change the category the effect is stored under. Look for a line that says something like ' string Category = "Stylize"; '. Type in a new category name and save the file. The effect will be added to the category that you gave it, even if that category hasn't previously existed. The other alternative for version 14 users and up is to change the subcategory assigned to the effect. Look for a line near the start of the effect that is similar to ' string SubCategory = "Vignette"; '. Type in the new subcategory you wish to use. If the effect has no subcategory line you can add one after the category, but it must be spelled exactly as shown, i.e., SubCategory.
Alpha transitions are a special kind of effect, and require slightly different setting up to other transitions. The setup instructions for them can be found at the following link. A newer group of composite wipe transitions have also been developed. They are also a special kind of effect. The very simple technique for using them can be found at the following link. Finally, there is a special category of remote control effects, the brain child of user schrauber. The way that they work is unique, and the special setup and control instructions for them can be found in the thread here.
Alpha Feather | AlphaFeather.fx |
Border | Border.fx |
Drop shadow and border | DropShadow.fx |
Drop shadow plus | DropShadowPlus.fx |
Enhanced blend | BlendX.fx |
Extrusion Matte | Extrusion_Matte.fx |
Flexi-blend | FlexiBlend.fx |
Floating images | FloatImage.fx |
Glitter edge | GlitterEdge.fx |
Key tools | KeyTools.fx |
Light ray keys | LightRayKeys.fx |
Lumakey and matte | LumaMatte.fx |
Magic edges | MagicEdges.fx |
Matte key | MatteKey.fx |
Unpremultiply | Unpremultiply.fx |
Alpha bar wipe | Ax_Bars.fx |
Alpha block dissolve | Ax_Blocks.fx |
Alpha blur dissolve | Ax_Blur.fx |
Alpha border transition | Ax_Borders.fx |
Alpha corner split | Ax_Corners.fx |
Alpha corner squeeze | Ax_CnrSqueeze.fx |
Alpha colour sizzler | Ax_Sizzler.fx |
Alpha dissolve thru colour | Ax_Colour.fx |
Alpha dissolveX | Ax_DissolveX.fx |
Alpha dry brush mix | Ax_DryBrush.fx |
Alpha folded neg dissolve | Ax_FoldNeg.fx |
Alpha folded pos dissolve | Ax_FoldPos.fx |
Alpha fractal dissolve | Ax_Fractals.fx |
Alpha granular dissolve | Ax_Granular.fx |
Alpha kaleido mix | Ax_Kaleido.fx |
Alpha non-additive mix | Ax_Non_Add.fx |
Alpha ultra non-add dissolve | Ax_NonAddUltra.fx |
Alpha optical transition | Ax_Optical.fx |
Alpha pinch | Ax_Pinch.fx |
Alpha push | Ax_Push.fx |
Alpha radial pinch | Ax_PinchR.fx |
Alpha RGB drifter | Ax_RGBdrift.fx |
Alpha ripple dissolve | Ax_Ripples.fx |
Alpha rotate | Ax_Rotate.fx |
Alpha S dissolve | Ax_Scurve.fx |
Alpha sine mix | Ax_Sine.fx |
Alpha slice | Ax_Slice.fx |
Alpha spin dissolve | Ax_Spin.fx |
Alpha split | Ax_Split.fx |
Alpha split squeeze | Ax_SplitSqueeze.fx |
Alpha squeeze | Ax_Squeeze.fx |
Alpha stretch dissolve | Ax_Stretch.fx |
Alpha strips | Ax_Strips.fx |
Alpha tile transition | Ax_Tiles.fx |
Alpha transmogrify | Ax_Transmogrify.fx |
Alpha twister | Ax_Twister.fx |
Alpha warp dissolve | Ax_Warp.fx |
Alpha wave collapse | Ax_Wave.fx |
Alpha X-pinch | Ax_PinchX.fx |
Alpha zoom dissolve | Ax_Zoom.fx |
Colour mask | ColourMask.fx |
Edge | Edge.fx |
Edge glow | EdgeGlow.fx |
Four Tone | fourtone.fx |
Five Tone | fivetone.fx |
Pencil Sketch | /PencilSketch/PencilSketch.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /PencilSketch/Legacy Windows/PencilSketchWin.fx |
Sketch | Sketch.fx |
Tiles | Tiles.fx |
Toon | Toon.fx |
Big Blur | BigBlur.fx |
bilateral blur | bilateral_blur.fx |
Bokeh | Bokeh.fx |
Focal Blur | FocalBlur.fx |
FxSpinBlur | FxSpinBlur.fx |
FxTiltShift | FxTiltShift.fx |
Ghost blur | GhostBlur.fx |
Iris Bokeh | /IrisBokeh/IrisBokeh.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /IrisBokeh/Legacy Windows/IrisBokehWin.fx |
Masked Blur | MaskBlur.fx |
Masked Motion Blur | MaskedMotionBlur.fx |
Motion Blur | motionblur.fx |
Soft foggy blur | SoftFoggyBlur.fx |
Soft motion blur | SoftMotionBlur.fx |
Soft spin blur | SoftSpinBlur.fx |
Soft zoom blur | SoftZoomBlur.fx |
Super blur | SuperBlur.fx |
Unsharp Mask | UnsharpMask.fx |
Zoom Blur | ZoomBlur.fx |
Antialias | AntiAlias.fx |
Channels | Channels.fx |
Channel selector | ChannelSelect.fx |
Clamp to 16-235 | /Maintain_16_235/Clamp16-235.fx |
Color Bars | ColorBars.fx |
Colour swizzler | Swizzler.fx |
De-interlace | De-interlace.fx |
Expand 16-235 to 0-255 | /Maintain_16_235/Expand16-235.fx |
Exposure Leveler | ExpoLeveler.fx |
JH Show Hi/Lo | jh_analysis_show_hilo.fx |
OutputSelect | OutputSelect.fx |
Quick video levels | QuickLevels.fx |
Safe area and crosshatch | Crosshatch.fx |
Shrink 0-255 to 16-235 | /Maintain_16_235/Shrink16-235.fx |
Tenderizer | Tenderizer.fx |
Test greyscale | Test_greyscale.fx |
Two-axis vector balance | TwoAxisVector.fx |
Zebra pattern | ZebraStripes.fx |
Chromatic Aberration Fixer | CAFixer.fx |
Clone Stamp | CloneStamp_03.fx |
Cubic lens distortion | CubicLensDistortion.fx |
Pixel Fixer | PixFix.fx |
3 Axis Colour Temperature | 3AxisColTemp.fx |
ALE_SMOOTH_CHROMA | ALE_Smooth_Chroma.fx |
CC Helper | CCHelper2.fx |
Film exposure | FilmExp.fx |
HSV Wheel | HSVWheel.fx |
Hue rotate | HueRotate.fx |
Peak desaturate | PeakDesat.fx |
PolyGrad | PolyGrad.fx |
S-Curve | SCurve.fx |
S-curve adjustment | RGBsCurve.fx |
Two-axis colour balance | TwoAxis.fx |
Bulge | bulge-2018.fx |
Glass Tiles | GlassTiles.fx |
Magnifying glass | magnifying_glass.fx |
Regional zoom | Regional zoom.fx |
Ripples (automatic expansion) | Ripples_automatic_expansion.fx |
Ripples (manual expansion) | Ripples_manual_expansion.fx |
WarpedStretch | Warped Stretch.fx |
Whirl | whirl20171106.fx |
2D DVE plus alpha | DVE_alpha.fx |
Anamorphic tools | AnamorphicFx.fx |
Bordered crop | BorderCrop.fx |
Deco DVE | Deco_DVE.fx |
Flip/flop | FlipFlop.fx |
Format fixer | FormatFixer.fx |
FxPerspective | FxPerspective.fx |
Perspective | Perspective.fx |
Simple crop | SimpleCrop.fx |
Simple matte | SimpleMatte.fx |
Spin Zoom | Spin_Zoom_20171022.fx |
Triple DVE | Triple_DVE.fx |
VisualCrop | vicrop.fx |
zoom-out-in | zoom-out-in.fx |
Bleach Bypass | bleachbypass.fx |
Colour film ageing | ColourFilmAge.fx |
Duotone | Duotone.fx |
Film negative | FilmNeg.fx |
FilmFx | FilmFx.fx |
Filmic look | FilmicLook2018.fx |
Old Film Look | /OldFilmLook/OldFilmLook.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /OldFilmLook/Legacy Windows/OldFilmLookWin.fx |
Technicolor | Technicolor.fx |
Vintage Look | vintagelook.fx |
Anamorphic Lens Flare | AnaFlare.fx |
Flare | Flare.fx |
Glint | Glint.fx |
Graduated ND Filter | GradNDFilter.fx |
JB's Chromatic Aberation | ChromAb.fx |
Rays | Rays.fx |
SkinSmooth | SkinSmooth.fx |
The dark side | TheDarkSide.fx |
Ale_ChromaKey | ALE_ChromaKey.fx |
Chromakey with DVE | ChromakeyDVE.fx |
Chromakey plus | ChromakeyPlus.fx |
DeltaMask | DeltaMask.fx |
INK | INK.fx |
KeyDespill | KeyDespill.fx |
Lumakey with DVE | LumakeyDVE.fx |
Simple chromakey | SimpleCkey.fx |
Lower 3rd toolkit A | Lower3dTkA.fx |
Lower 3rd toolkit B | Lower3dTkB.fx |
Lower third A | Lower3d_A.fx |
Lower third B | Lower3d_B.fx |
Lower third C | Lower3d_C.fx |
Lower third D | Lower3d_D.fx |
Lower third E | Lower3d_E.fx |
Lower third F | Lower3d_F.fx |
Lower third G | Lower3d_G.fx |
DVE with vignette | DVE_vignette.fx |
JH Vignette | jh_stylize_vignette.fx |
Letterbox | Letterbox.fx |
Octagonal vignette | Octagonal_Vignette.fx |
Poly03 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask03.fx |
Poly04 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask04.fx |
Poly05 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask05.fx |
Poly06 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask06.fx |
Poly07 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask07.fx |
Poly08 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask08.fx |
Poly10 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask10.fx |
Poly12 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask12.fx |
Poly14 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask14.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /Poly Masks/Legacy Windows/PolyMask14Win.fx |
Poly16 | /Poly Masks/PolyMask16.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /Poly Masks/Legacy Windows/PolyMask16Win.fx |
Spotlight effect | SpotlightEffect.fx |
Camera Shake | CameraShake.fx |
New Strobe | NewStrobe_20180523.fx |
Random switch | RandomSwitch.fx |
Strobe | Strobe.fx |
Film Grain | FilmGrain.fx |
FxNoise | FxNoise.fx |
Grain | Grain.fx |
Grain(Variable) | VariGrain.fx |
Variable Film Grain | VariFilmGrain.fx |
Fractal magic 1 | FractalMagic1.fx |
Fractal magic 2 | FractalMagic2.fx |
Fractal magic 3 | FractalMagic3.fx |
FxTile | FxTile.fx |
Kaleido | Kaleido.fx |
Kaleidoscope | Kaleidoscope.fx |
Lissajou stars | /Lissajou/Lissajou.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /Lissajou/Legacy Windows/LissajouWin.fx |
Multigradient | Multigrad.fx |
Plasma | Plasma.fx |
SineLight | /Sine lights/SineLights.fx |
> Windows legacy version | /Sine lights/Legacy Windows/SineLightsWin.fx |
Camera distortions | CameraDistortions.fx |
Chroma smear | ChromaSmear.fx |
CRT TV screen | CRTscreen.fx |
JH Old Monitor | jh_stylize_oldmonitor.fx |
Low-res camera | Low_res_cam.fx |
Night vision | NightVision.fx |
Quad VTR simulator | QuadVTR.fx |
VHS v2 | VHSv2.fx |
Water | Water.fx |
Double vision | DoubleVis.fx |
Flag wave | FlagWave.fx |
Lens Flare #1 | LensFlare_1.fx |
Lens Flare #2 | LensFlare_2.fx |
Sea Scape | SeaScape.fx |
Rainbow connection | RainbowConnection.fx |
String Theory | StringTheory.fx |
Transporter I | Transporter_I.fx |
Transporter II | Transporter_II.fx |
70s Psychedelia | 70s_psych.fx |
Acidulate | Acidulate.fx |
FxColorHalftone2 | FxColorHalftone2.fx |
FxDotScreen | FxDotScreen.fx |
FxHalftone2 | FxHalftone2.fx |
FxMangaShader | FxManga.fx |
FxRefraction | FxRefraction.fx |
Texturizer | Texturizer.fx |
Abstraction #1 | Dx_Abstraction1.fx |
Abstraction #2 | Dx_Abstraction2.fx |
Abstraction #3 | Dx_Abstraction3.fx |
Block dissolve | Dx_Blocks.fx |
Blur dissolve | Dx_Blurs.fx |
Chinagraph pencil | Dx_Chinagraph.fx |
Colour sizzler | Dx_Sizzler.fx |
Coloured tiles | Dx_ColourTile.fx |
Dissolve through colour | Dx_Colour.fx |
Dissolve through flat colour | Dx_ColourFlat.fx |
DissolveX | dissolveX.fx |
Dream sequence | Dx_Dreams.fx |
Dry brush mix | Dx_DryBrush.fx |
Erosion | Dx_Erosion.fx |
Fade to or from black | Dx_FadeOutIn.fx |
FlareTran | FlareTran.fx |
Fly away | Fly away.fx |
Folded neg dissolve | Dx_FoldNeg.fx |
Folded pos dissolve | Dx_FoldPos.fx |
Fractal dissolve | Dx_Fractals.fx |
Granular dissolve | Dx_Granular.fx |
Kaleido turbine mixer | Kaleido turbine mixer.fx |
Mosaic transfer | Dx_Mosaic.fx |
Non-add dissolve ultra | Dx_NonAddUltra.fx |
Non-additive mixer | Dx_NonAdd.fx |
Optical dissolve | Dx_Optical.fx |
Page Roll | PageRoll.fx |
RGB drifter | Dx_RGBdrift.fx |
S dissolve | Dx_Scurve.fx |
Sinusoidal mix | Dx_Sine.fx |
Slice transition | Dx_Slice.fx |
Spin dissolve | Dx_Spin.fx |
Stretch dissolve | Dx_Stretch.fx |
Subtractive dissolve | Dx_Subtract.fx |
Swirl mix | Swirl_mix_20171113.fx |
Transmogrify | Dx_Transmogrify.fx |
Transporter transition | Dx_Transporter.fx |
Warp dissolve | Dx_Warp.fx |
Zoom dissolve | Dx_Zoom.fx |
Barn door split | Wx_Split.fx |
Barn door squeeze | Wx_SplitSqueeze.fx |
Composite corner split | Cx_Corners.fx |
Composite corner squeeze | Cx_CnrSqueeze.fx |
Composite pinch | Cx_Pinch.fx |
Composite push | Cx_Push.fx |
Composite radial pinch | Cx_rPinch.fx |
Composite split | Cx_Split.fx |
Composite split squeeze | Cx_SplitSqueeze.fx |
Composite squeeze | Cx_Squeeze.fx |
Composite twister | Cx_Twister.fx |
Composite X-pinch | Cx_xPinch.fx |
Corner split | Wx_Corners.fx |
Corner squeeze | Wx_CnrSqueeze.fx |
Pinch transition | Wx_Pinch.fx |
Radial pinch | Wx_rPinch.fx |
The twister | Wx_Twister.fx |
X-pinch | Wx_xPinch.fx |
RC 1, Five channel remote | RC1_Remote_control.fx |
RC 3001, cyclic User control | RC3001_Cyclic_Remote.fx |
Settings Display Unit | Setting_Display_Unit.fx |
RC-all zoom | RC-all_Zoom.fx |
RC Gain | RC_Gain.fx |
RC RGB-Gain | RC_Gain_RGB.fx |
RC Gamma | RC_Gamma.fx |
RC RGB-Gamma | RC_Gamma_RGB.fx |
RC Lift | RC_Lift_20180418.fx |
RC RGB-Lift | RC_Lift_RGB_20180421.fx |
RC regional zoom plus | RC_Zoom_Regional_20180506.fx |
Spin Zoom, RC | Spin_Zoom_RC_180516.fx |
(1) Install and use alpha dissolves and transitions
(2) Simple instructions on how to use these composite transitions
(3) Instructions on how to install and use these rather complex effects.
MetaParser is a simple tool for extracting metadata from FX files.
It expects path to the effects directory as an argument and it results with JSON output describing metadata for all files found.
Meta attribute syntax is:
@<attribute> <value>
@<attribute> "<value>"
- <attribute>
can contain only letters and digits ([a-zA-Z0-9]
- <value>
can contain any character
Value enclosed with double quotes will be trimmed respectively. Otherwise value will contain all characters up to end of line (EOL).
Supported meta attributes:
: name of the author (multiple)maintainer
: name of the maintainer (multiple)created
: date of the first release (one)released
: date of the release (one)version
: actual version (one)license
': license name (one)see
: an URL to related resource of any type (multiple); can be link to the screenshot, picture, video, document, webpage, etcname
: name of the effect (one); provide only when_LwksEffectInfo
is missing or contains no description
Meta attributes are case insensitive.
Category, subcategory and effect name are taken from _LwksEffectInfo
section automatically.
Install dependencies:
$ pip install --user -r metaparser-requirements.txt
python <path-to-fx-directory>
$ ./ Simulation/ | jq
"items": [
"name": "Glow amount",
"filename": "CRTscreen.fx",
"description": " CRTscreen.fx developed by jwrl 22 February 2017.\n\n This effect simulates a close-up look at an analogue colour\n TV screen. Three options are available: Trinitron (Sony),\n Diamondtron (Mitusbishi/NEC) and Linitron. For copyright\n reasons they are identified as type 1, type 2 and type 3\n respectively in this effect. No attempt has been made to\n emulate a dot matrix shadow mask tube, because in early\n tests we just lost too much luminance for the effect to be\n useful. That's pretty much why the manufacturers stopped\n using the real shadowmask too.\n\n The stabilising wires have not been emulated in the type\n 1 tube for anything other than the lowest two pixel sizes.\n They just looked absurd with the larger settings.\n\n The glow/halation effect is just a simple box blur, slightly\n modified to give a reasonable simulation of the burnout that\n could be obtained by overdriving a CRT.\n\n Cross platform compatibility check 3 August 2017 jwrl.\n Explicitly defined InpSampler{} to reduce the risk of cross\n platform default sampler state differences.\n Inputs\n Samplers\n Parameters\n Definitions and declarations\n Shaders\n New code for Sony Trinitron stabilising wires\n Techniques",
"category": "Stylize",
"subcategory": "Simulation"
"name": "Waves",
"filename": "Water.fx",
"description": " Header\n\n Lightworks effects have to have a _LwksEffectInfo block\n which defines basic information about the effect (ie. name\n and category). EffectGroup must be \"GenericPixelShader\".\n\n Version 14 update 18 Feb 2017 jwrl.\n Added subcategory to effect header.\n The title\n Governs the category that the effect appears in in Lightworks\n Inputs\n For each 'texture' declared here, Lightworks adds a matching\n input to your effect (so for a four input effect, you'd need\n to delcare four textures and samplers)\n Define parameters here.\n\n The Lightworks application will automatically generate\n sliders/controls for all parameters which do not start\n with a a leading '_' character\n Pixel Shader\n\n This section defines the code which the GPU will\n execute for every pixel in an output image.\n\n Note that pixels are processed out of order, in parallel.\n Using shader model 2.0, so there's a 64 instruction limit -\n use multple passes if you need more.\n Technique\n\n Specifies the order of passes (we only have a single pass, so\n there's not much to do)",
"category": "Stylize",
"subcategory": "Simulation"
"count": 7,
"date": "2018-03-31T21:14:56.170227"