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react-native-enhanced-popup-menu · npm license

Note: active development was moved to breeffy/react-native-popup-menu


Positioning Description
snap positioning Allows to snap menu to any element's border
stick to center of element Allows to show menu by the center of element's width
dynamic positioning Allows to add dynamic offsets to base menu position
position constraints Automatically applies constraints to never allow to go beyond screen borders. You always will see full menu
typescript support TypeScript is a first-class citizen and works out-of-the box
Animations Description
Right-to-Left support Not implemented. See #1

Pure JavaScript material menu component for React Native.


npm install react-native-enhanced-popup-menu --save


yarn add react-native-enhanced-popup-menu

Usage example

import React from 'react';
import {
  Button as RNButton,
} from 'react-native';
import {
} from 'react-native-enhanced-popup-menu';

declare const global: {HermesInternal: null | {}};

interface ElementToStickProps {
  style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;

const ElementToStick = React.forwardRef<View, ElementToStickProps>(
  ({style}, ref) => {
    return (
            padding: 16,
            borderColor: 'grey',
            borderWidth: 2,
            justifyContent: 'center',
            alignItems: 'center',
        <Text>Element to which menu is sticked</Text>

interface ButtonProps {
  title: string;
  style?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>;
  onPress: () => void;

const Button = ({title, style, onPress}: ButtonProps) => {
  return (
    <View style={style}>
      <RNButton title={title} onPress={onPress} />

const App = () => {
  let elementRef = React.createRef<View>();
  let menuRef: Menu | null = null;

  const setMenuRef: (instance: Menu | null) => void = (ref) => (menuRef = ref);
  const hideMenu = () => menuRef?.hide();
  const showMenu = () => {
    menuRef?.show(elementRef.current, Position.TOP_LEFT);

  const onPress = () => showMenu();
  return (
          width: '100%',
          height: '100%',
          alignItems: 'center',
          justifyContent: 'center',
        <ElementToStick ref={elementRef} />
          style={{position: 'absolute', bottom: 64}}
          title={'Press to show menu'}
        <Menu ref={setMenuRef}>
          <MenuItem onPress={hideMenu}>Item 1</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem onPress={hideMenu}>Item 2</MenuItem>
          <MenuItem onPress={hideMenu} disabled>
            Item 3
          <MenuDivider />
          <MenuItem onPress={hideMenu}>Item 4</MenuItem>

export default App;



name description type default
children Components rendered in menu (required) Node -
style Menu style (optional) Style -
onHidden Callback when menu has become hidden (optional) Function -


name description
show() Shows menu
hide() Hides menu

show method parameters

name description type default
ref React reference to component (required) Reference -
stickTo To which component border(s) we will stick menu (optional) Position Position.TOP_LEFT
extraOffset Additional offset to stickTo (optional) Object { left: 0, top: 0 }
computeOffset Additional computed offset to stickTo (optional) Function { left: 0, top: 0 }

stickTo parameter set relative base position of menu, it is always relative to component.

Position enum values
value description
TOP_LEFT Show the menu at the top left of the component
TOP_RIGHT Show the menu at the top rigth of the component
TOP_CENTER Show the menu at the top center of the component
BOTTOM_LEFT Show the menu at the bottom left of the component
BOTTOM_RIGHT Show the menu at the bottom right of the component
BOTTOM_CENTER Show the menu at the bottom center of the component

extraOffset parameter set additional offset to base position of menu. It's used if you want customize stickTo, adding additional offset. extraOffset is an Object with the following allowed properties.

extraOffset object properties
value description type
top Offset the top edge from menu base position Number
bottom Offset the bottom edge from menu base position Number
left Offset the left edge from menu base position Number
right Offset the right edge from menu base position Number
Notes Example
extraOffset can have duplicate properties (they all will be applied correctly) { top: 10, top: -5, top: 15 }
extraOffset values can be negative too { top: 10, top: -5, top: 15 }

computeOffset parameter is a callback function which will be called with position and size of component (computeOffset(left, top, width, height)). It's used if you want to customize stickTo dynamically and your computed offset depends on component position / size (for example to show menu centered you need to know component width).

computeOffset callback parameters
name description type
left position of component on the horizontal axis (from top left window corner) Number
top position of component on the vertical axis (from top left window corner) Number
width width of component Number
height height of component Number

computeOffset callback should return Object with the same properties as extraOffset Object.

/* Example of computeOffset return value */
  top: 10,
  left: 15,
  bottom: -3,
  right: 15,
  top: 12
You can use extraOffset parameter or computeOffset or both parameters simultaneously. So, the final position of menu is calculated as basePosition + extraOffset + computeOffset(left, top, width, height)



name description type default
children Rendered text (required) String -
disabled Disabled flag Bool false
disabledTextColor Disabled text color String "#BDBDBD"
onPress Called function on press Func -
style Container style Style -
textStyle Text style Style -
underlayColor Pressed color String "#E0E0E0"



name description type default
color Line color String "rgba(0,0,0,0.12)"