The TGE contract was audited and is now publicly available:
npm i
Initialize Ganache GUI and configure it using same setting than truffle.js
- Balance for every account to
PHTs - Gas Price: 500000000000
- Port: 7545
Then, ready to run the test
npm run test
Note: Make sure to always reset the Ganache after each test run due to balances and time traveling.
npm run test
Unlock sirius test account
geth attach http://localhost:8545
> personal.unlockAccount("0xd119b8b038d3a67d34ca1d46e1898881626a082b"
Deploy smart contract
npm run deploy-sirius
Replacing 'Distribution'
> transaction hash: 0x9d08ad1196446fc41d5bbbac20bf2d9b15252cca742e4c507ea38ac42defdf8e
> Blocks: 0 Seconds: 0
> contract address: 0xe2E4d49f002B8427eb50236D246599a80b58Febc
> account: 0xD119b8B038d3A67d34ca1D46e1898881626a082b
> balance: 853.365715136
> gas used: 2970349
> gas price: 500 gwei
> value sent: 0 PHT
> total cost: 1.4851745 PHT
Distribution contract deployed!
> Saving migration to chain.
> Saving artifacts
> Total cost: 1.4851745 PHT
> Total deployments: 2
> Final cost: 1.6116285 PHT