- Docker You need docker installed, here it is [link] https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Minikube minikube is a local kubernetes, makes it easy to develop in kubernetes. [link https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/ ] docker desktop is another option [link https://docs.docker.com/desktop/ ]
Very first we will setup the django web app to run on our locally. Here
Everything is working as expected in python virtualenv, now let's put it in a contianer.Here
After we have made webApp running in a contianer, we then will deploy it to Kubernetes.Here Very first we will setup the django web app to run on our locally. here
Everything is working as expected in python virtualenv, now let's put it in a contianer. here
After we have made webApp running in a contianer, we then will deploy it to Kubernetes here
Postgres database will run in a container, as the Docker containers useare ephemeral in nature so persistent storage volume needed. Details Here
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. Here
Celery is a simple, flexible, and reliable distributed system to process vast amounts of messages, while providing operations with the tools required to maintain such a system. Here