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Validator Possibilities

Joshua Greben edited this page Apr 25, 2017 · 9 revisions

Types of Validation

Validation should always occur as close to the thing being validated as possible. Thus, for:

  • converter code:

    • test code should live in the same repository as the converter code. Includes
      • unit tests for "methods" in the code
      • "integration tests" for
        • MARC snippets being run through the converter
        • full MARC records being run through the converter.
  • RDF being manually created:

    • validation during creation and/or before save in creation tool (e.g. editor)

Existing Validator Code

Code base to allow validation of particulars of RDF graphs produced by various converters, starting from explicit inline MARC data in rspec test code.

Grew out of the need for some kind of code tests for the marc2bibframe 1 converter.

Ruby RSpec is used as a means of testing and validating the classes and properties of data in the produced graphs.

Has hookups for these converters, but others could be added:

Additional Possibilities

Profile a graph

See and inspect RDF

  • graph visualization
  • highlight particular parts
  • leverage existing tools to implement this

aid Cornell with Integration / Functional / Acceptance tests

Other Possibilities

Compare outputs of different converters

  • too far ahead of the state of converter code?
  • need "objective" notion of "correct"

Flesh out existing marc2rdf-validator with more complete specs

  • specs are still a moving target?
  • likely best approached by training ontology/metadata folks in how to write the tests