#About Based on the well known semantic.gs by Tyler Tate, FSG (flawless-semantics-grid) shares many of the same goals that semantic.gs has. It allows for:
- column, gutter widths and the number of columns to be set;
- switching between pixel and percentage based layouts;
- responsive and fixed layouts, all without any unsemantic .grid_x classes in your markup.
Check out the example pages here.
#Differences The most notable difference is the fact that Flawless-Semantics uses a column - gutter - column approach rather than a gutter - column - gutter approach. This solves the nesting problems I was having with Semantic.gs and also the fact that the outer most gutters where half the width of the inner gutters.
Other differences include:
- mixin to create equal height columns;
- mixin to specify the width, min-width, and max-width of a container;
- feature to allow for automatic rows and columns;
- built in vertical grid based on rythymless by Paul GB;
- added a mixin to allow the grid to be visualised. This was adapted from the mixin by Ninique;
- borders and padding don't affect grid;
- removal of padding as an option to be used as a gutter // this may be added in the future though it won't be implemented in the same way that it is in semantic.gs;
- support for less only at this time but this may change in the future.
#Issues If you spot any issues or have ideas for improvement, feel free to make an issue on github or fork this project on GitHub and then issue a pull request.
#License Licensed under Apache 2.0. // Note that this may change as I prefer the MIT licence, but have left it the same as semantic.gs for the time being.
#Created by Flawless-Semantics was created by Sean Steindl and has been heavily influenced by a range of projects including Semantic.gs, Zen grids, Neat, Flawless, and Centage.
#Acknowledgements The Semantic Grid System was built by Tyler Tate at TwigKit and has had various contributions by the persons listed here. For more see semantic.gs.