Fork of original project with the aim to allow compatibility with SonataUserBundle
Offers a sortable feature for your Symfony2 admin listing
The SonataAdminBundle provides a cookbook article here :
By default, this extension works with Doctrine ORM, but you can choose to use Doctrine MongoDB by defining the driver configuration :
# app/config/config.yml
db_driver: mongodb # default value : orm
default: sort #default value : position
AppBundle\Entity\Foobar: order
AppBundle\Entity\Baz: rang
AppBundle\Entity\Baz: [ group ]
In order to use a draggable list instead of up/down buttons, change the template in the move
action to PixSortableBehaviorBundle:Default:_sort_drag_drop.html.twig
// ClientAdmin.php
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
->add('_action', null, array(
'actions' => array(
'move' => array(
'template' => 'AppBundle:Admin:_sort_drag_drop.html.twig',
'enable_top_bottom_buttons' => true, //optional
Also include the JavaScript needed for this to work, in your theme.yml
file, add these two lines:
- bundles/pixsortablebehavior/js/jquery-ui.min.js // if you haven't got jQuery UI yet.
- bundles/pixsortablebehavior/js/init.js
Adding the JavaScript and the template, will give you the possibility to drag items in a tablelist.
In case you need it, this plugin fires to jQuery events when dragging is done on the $(document)
element, so if you want to add custom notification, that is possible. Also, when dragging the <body>
gets an is-dragging
class. This class is removed when you stop dragging. This could by quite handy if you have some custom js/css.
// ClientAdmin.php
protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper)
->add('_action', null, array(
'actions' => array(
'move' => array(
'template' => 'PixSortableBehaviorBundle:Default:_sort_drag_drop.html.twig',
'enable_top_bottom_buttons' => true,