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OOP Assignments:


-To understand concept of static member function , friend function ,inline function and dynamic memory allocation.etc. -Name, Roll number, Class, division, Date of Birth, Blood group, Contact address, telephone number, driving license no Etc. Construct the database with suitable member functions viz , static member functions, friend class/ friend function, this pointer, inline code and dynamic memory allocation operators-new and delete. Implement all the keywords as mentioned in the problem statement.


-To use operator overloading concept to perform different operations on complex numbers. -Implement a class Complex which represents the Complex Number data type. Implement the following operations:

  1. Constructor (including a default constructor which creates the complex number 0+0i).
  2. Overloaded operator+ to add two complex numbers.
  3. Overloaded operator* to multiply two complex number


-To understand concept of inheritance. -Implement c++ program to create a base class called shape . Use this class to store two double type values that could be used to compute the area of figures. Derive two specific classes called function get_data() to initialize base
Class data members and another member function display_area() to compute and display area of figures. Make classes to suit their requirements . Using these three classes , design a program that will accept dimmesion of a triangle or a rectangle interactively and display the area . Remember the two treated as lengths of two sides in the case of rectangle and as base and height in the case of triangles and used as follows: Area of rectangle=xy; Area of triangle=1/2X*Y;


-To understand concept of template function. -Write function template and class template selection sort . Write a program that inputs , sorts and outputs an integer array and a float array.


-To understand concept of exception as well as user defined exception. -User defined exception to check the following conditions and throw the exception if the criterion does not meet. A. User stays in Pune/Mumbai/Bangalore/Chennai. B. User has 4-wheeler city , vehicle from the user and check for the conditions mentioned above .if any of the condition not met then throw the exception . if user does not enter proper input throw the exception.


-To create a class template to represent a generic vector. -Create a class template to represent a generic vector. Include following member functions: i. To create the vector. ii. To modify the value of a given element  iii.To multiply by a scalar value iv. To display the vector in the form (10,20,30,…)


-To create a standard template library for performing certain operations. -Using standard template library (STL) list container implement following member functions of list class: empty, insert, reverse, sort, Unique, using iterator."


-To create an output file to perform file related operations. -Write a C++ program that creates an output file, writes information to it, closes the file and open it again as an input file and read the information from the file.


OOP lap submissions






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