Changes by Kind
Please note that you can also download the artifacts for this release from our Google Cloud Bucket:
- Add job to test packages with rpmlint (#3589, @cpanato) [SIG Release]
- Build image with go1.22.4 for active release branches that were in go1.21 and drop go1.21 images (#3652, @cpanato) [SIG Release]
- Update k8s-cloud-builder and k8s-ci-builder to Go 1.22.4 and 1.21.11 (#3644, @xmudrii) [SIG Release]
- Update k8s-cloud-builder and k8s-ci-builder to Go 1.22.4 for active release branches (#3654, @cpanato) [SIG Release]
Bug or Regression
- Fixed bug to return the wrong exit status on
osc results -w
. This requiresosc >= 1.8.0
. (#3662, @saschagrunert) [SIG Release]
Other (Cleanup or Flake)
- Drop building images for go1.21.x (#3656, @cpanato) [SIG Release]
- Removed
variable references from base-images. (#3640, @ArkaSaha30) [SIG Release]
- k8s.io/gengo/v2: 51d4e06
- github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2: v2.0.3 → v2.0.4
- github.com/fatih/color: v1.15.0 → v1.16.0
- github.com/fxamacker/cbor/v2: v2.4.0 → v2.6.0
- github.com/goark/go-cvss: v1.6.6 → v1.6.7
- github.com/google/go-containerregistry: v0.19.1 → v0.19.2
- github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog: v1.5.0 → v1.6.3
- github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp: v0.7.5 → v0.7.7
- github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2: v2.13.0 → v2.15.0
- github.com/onsi/gomega: v1.30.0 → v1.31.0
- github.com/shirou/gopsutil/v3: v3.24.3 → v3.24.5
- github.com/spf13/cobra: v1.8.0 → v1.8.1
- github.com/yuin/goldmark: v1.7.1 → v1.7.4
- golang.org/x/crypto: v0.23.0 → v0.24.0
- golang.org/x/net: v0.25.0 → v0.26.0
- golang.org/x/sys: v0.20.0 → v0.21.0
- golang.org/x/term: v0.20.0 → v0.21.0
- golang.org/x/text: v0.15.0 → v0.16.0
- golang.org/x/tools: v0.21.0 → e35e4cc
- k8s.io/apimachinery: v0.29.4 → v0.30.2
- k8s.io/kube-openapi: 2dd684a → 70dd376
- sigs.k8s.io/release-sdk: v0.12.0 → v0.12.1
- github.com/shoenig/test: v0.6.4
- k8s.io/gengo: 9cce18d