- Welcome to Meetify, a modern video calling application built using Next.js 15 and WebRTC.
- This project focuses on real-time communication, providing users with personal meeting rooms and a seamless video calling experience.
- By developing this project, I explored WebRTC and various protocols, gaining valuable insights into peer-to-peer connections, media transmission, and building low-latency applications.
Peer-to-Peer Connections: Direct communication between users without relying on a central server, reducing latency and improving call quality.
Signaling: Implemented a signaling server using Next.js API routes to exchange session descriptions (SDP) and ICE candidates between peers.
ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment): Learned how ICE finds the best possible connection path between peers by gathering candidates (public, private, and relay addresses).
STUN/TURN Servers:
- STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT): Helps clients discover their public IP addresses and establish direct peer-to-peer connections.
- TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT): Acts as a relay server to route data if direct connections fail (used for handling restrictive firewalls).
SRTP (Secure Real-time Transport Protocol): Ensured secure media transmission by encrypting audio and video streams.
DTLS (Datagram Transport Layer Security): Established secure connections over WebRTC using DTLS for key exchange and encryption.
MediaStream API: Accessed the user's camera and microphone to capture media streams and transmit them over the network.
Data Channels: Explored WebRTC data channels to enable real-time text-based messaging during video calls.
Signaling: Exchange session descriptions (SDP) and ICE candidates between peers.
ICE Candidate Gathering: Discover the best route for the connection using STUN/TURN servers.
Connection Establishment: Create a peer connection using SRTP and DTLS protocols over UDP.
Media/Stream Handling: Transmit audio/video streams between connected peers.
Thank you for exploring Meetify! This project deepened my understanding of WebRTC and real-time communication protocols, enabling me to build dynamic and interactive web applications with low-latency video calls. 🚀