syntR is an R package for the reproducible identification of synteny blocks and chromosomal rearrangments via comparison of two genetic maps. syntR implements an error-aware clustering algorithm specifically designed for the highly linear structure of comparative genetic map data. syntR can be used to identify synteny blocks using any type of ordered genetic markers.
The documentation and tutorial for syntR can be found here
You can install syntR from Github with:
Find synteny blocks shared between Helianthus petiolaris and Helianthus annus (provided as example data):
# load the syntR library
# load data
# convert data to a single ordered scale
map_list <- make_one_map(ann_pet_map)
# find synteny blocks
synt_blocks <- find_synteny_blocks(map_list, max_clust_range = 2, max_nn_dist = 10, plots = TRUE)
# print the resulting synteny blocks dataframe
Katherine Ostevik and Kieran Samuk.
GRIMM - A tool for analyzing rearrangements in pairs of genomes, including unichromosomal and multichromosomal genomes, and signed and unsigned data.
Flagel et al. 2018 - An example of a more formal model-based approach to a similar problem.